Example Transhumanity.net Meetup Group By-Laws
The _____________ Meetup of Transhumanity.net
By Laws
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be ____________________ a Meetup of Transhumanity.net an Organization also hereafter known as the Chapter.
Section 2: The Chapter was formed to help the transhumanist and related futurist community come together to build a better tomorrow, network with each other and to help students gain the skills to build better a better tomorrow and to focus on better systems through meetings, conferences, classes, online material, professional networking and more as dictated by the Chapter board of directors.
Section 3: The Chapter is a Chapter of the larger organization Transhumanity.net and as such upholds the tenants of Transhumanity.net and agrees to abide any rule and or request regarding the Transhumanity.net brand usage. The Chapter agrees to also uphold all rules and regulations regarding Chapters of Transhumanity.net but retains the right to with draw w/o reason as long as the chapter ceases any use of the Transhumanity.net brand.
Section 1: Membership is open to anyone willing to uphold Article 1, Section 2 and willing to not hold the organization Transhumanity.net, the Transhumanity.net Chapter, or other members, Transhumanity.net board of director members, and sponsors libel for any harm regarding Chapter membership or Chapter related events.
Section 2: All current members are able to vote for the board of directors when such elections are held as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Board of Directors will reserve the right to remove or bar any one from membership without reason.
Section 4: The Board of Directors reserves the right to create types of membership including nonvoting categories of membership.
Section 1: An annual board meeting shall be set by the board of directors each year open to all members where the time and date shall be posted on the web site of the Chapter.
Section 2: board meetings shall be open to all members and may be held as often as needed as designated by the board of directors as well as may be held electronically at the discretion of the board.
Section 3: Regular meetings shall be held once a month as designated by the board of directors.
Section 4: Additional meetings can be held by the Board for any other reason including organizational verticals i.e. SIG’s (Special Interest Group) as well as conferences, seminars and the like.
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of 5 or more members appointed or voted on by members or grand fathered in upon organization. If more than 5 members the board needs to be odd numbered to break any voting ties meaning 5, 7, 9 and so forth.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for over all policy and direction of the Chapter and set all critical roles within the organization and have the right to appoint officers as needed, manage all legal matters, setting meeting schedules, events, event sponsor ships, managing online Chapter properties and oversee all organizational operations.
Section 3: The Board of Directors will meet as often as deemed necessary
Section 4: The Board may set up committees and SIG’s as deemed needed by the Board of Directors as important to the organization or committee.
Section 5: The Board of Directors shall set up and appoint an executive officer to manage day to day operations as needed to whom would be responsible for acting in the organizations best interest and the best interest of the community.
Section 6: the Board of Directors shall set up and appoint a treasurer officer to manage accounting and or audit the organizations accounting.
Section 7: Board of Directors shall consider a vote one way or the other as final and effective as long as any majority of board members total is in agreement on the vote.
Section 8: The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to appoint any other officers as needed.
Section 9: The Board of Directors shall appoint any vacant roles as soon as possible on the Board of Directors.
Section 10: The Board of Director members may resign at will pending written on paper or electronic format to the board of Directors.
Section 11: The board members are expected to put in _______ hours helping maintain the group each week and the board of directors may remove said members as needed to replace them with other members for lack of contribution.
Section 1: The Board of Directors may amend the Chapter by laws by a majority vote at any time short of amending Article 1 Section 3 without risk to the loss of the use of the Transhumanity.net Brand.
Section 1: The personal information the Chapter collects shall not be provided to any third parties in any way without express permission from the person in question. the Chapter must take all reasonable precautions to protect and safeguard membership information and respect the privacy of Chapter members.
Section 1: The Article 4 lays out officers that are required by the organization. Additionally other officers maybe appointed as needed according to Article 4 which may include:
Section 2: The Social Media and Communications Manager.
Section 3: Member Outreach Coordinator: the Member Outreach Coordinator’s role to manage and encourage all member outreach programs.
Section 4: Training and Education Manager: The Training and Education Manager’s role is to manage all educational and training programs and manage all training via the board’s direction.
V3.1.042 – djk : DJK
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