the future of humanity now

Author Samantha Atkins

a software architect and long term participant is several transhumanist and futurist groups. Samantha is especially focused on envisioning the future we wish to inhabit and on what it will take to manifest this future, especially in the critical nexus of the next few decades. Much of Samantha’s professional work is in the area of persistent and distributed systems. She has an avid interest in Artificial Intelligence, Longevity, and Intelligence Augmentation.

Samantha runs a transhumanist group in Second Life with weekly meetings on current technological trends and research in biotech, energy, computation, NBIC generally, economics and other current situation indicators and what can be done to move us toward the future we desire. Samantha is a budding entrepreneur bootstrapping a startup to make people effectively smarter.

To Have ALL, Give ALL to All

To Have ALL, give ALL to all. What on earth can this mean? How can we have everything if we give everything away? Is that what the above actually says? Is to give to be without that which was given?… Continue Reading →

We have always been “Transhumanists” – Yearning for Transcendence

Human beings have yearned to transcend the pains and limitations of their condition since far back in prehistoric times.  We have yearned to be free of sickness, aging, and death.  Yearned to have an abundance of all good and necessary… Continue Reading →

Species Crunch Time – A Possible Means of Resolution

The Most Exciting (and dangerous) Time There comes a time in the developmental history of every intelligent evolved species that requires a significant set of choices for the species to survive and thrive.   A species comes to this point when… Continue Reading →

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