the future of humanity now

Author Johnny Boston

Johnny Boston is a filmmaker and creative director who grew up in Europe and is now living on the East Coast. Johnny is currently working on a film inspired by his friend, futurist FM-2030. The Ken Hayworth video above is the second release in a multi-part series. To see more of Johnny Boston’s videos please check out the Galactic Public Archives’ channel on YouTube.

Dr. Ken Hayworth – Will You Upload Your Mind? Part 2

One of the greatest forever unresolved philosophical questions: What is reality? will get a whole lot more complex if Ken Hayworth’s perspective on the logical conclusion to his work is attained. Hayworth’s work: brain mapping. The proposed logical conclusion: mind… Continue Reading →

Dr. Ken Hayworth: Will You Preserve Your Brain?

If the technology existed, would you have your brain preserved? Do you believe your brain is the essence of you? To noted American PhD Neuroscientist and Futurist, Ken Hayworth, the answer is an emphatic, “Yes.” He is currently at the… Continue Reading →

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