the future of humanity now

Author Jonathan Lyons

Jønathan earned his MFA in writing at the California College of the Arts in Spring 2005, and earned his bachelor’s in English from the University of Iowa in Iowa City in 1997. He is a futurist parent, writer, and educator. He lives in Central Pennsylvania, where he teaches writing and literature (including science fiction/futurism) at Bucknell University.

Jønathan authored Burn which received the Wordweaving Award for Literary Excellence and authored Machina. His most recent book is Minnows: A Shattered Novel, published by JEF (Journal of Experimental Fiction) Books.

Sh*t Brickhouse

Consider the brick. It is ubiquitous. We build all sort of things out of bricks: Foundations to houses, building, and other structures; buildings and houses and other structures, themselves; fireplaces; in some rare instances, we pave roads with them. A… Continue Reading →

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