the future of humanity now

Author Natasha Vita-More is the founder of esDESiGN and creator of H+TV Her research focuses on the design aesthetics of human enhancement and radical life extension and the emerging and speculative sciences and technologies. Natasha’s conceptual future human design “Primo Posthuman” has been featured in Wired, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Net Business, Teleopolis, and Village Voice. She has appeared in over twenty-four televised documentaries on the future and culture, and has exhibited media artworks at National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Brooks Memorial Museum, Institute of Contemporary Art, Women In Video, Telluride Film Festival, and United States Film Festival and recently “Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age” and is the recipient of several awards: First Place Award at Brooks Memorial Museum, Special Recognition at Women in Video, and special recognition for “Futures Podcast Series”. Her 1998 “Arterati on Ideas: Vinge’s View of the Singularity” was a premier expose on the technological singularity.

Natasha is a proponent human rights and ethical means for human enhancement, and is published in Artifact, Technoetic Arts, Nanotechnology Perceptions, Sistemi Intelligenti, Metaverse Creativity, D’ARS, Global Spiral and h+ magazine. She is co-editor of the forthcoming book The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology and Philosophy of the Human Future (Wiley-Blackwell 2013).

Natasha is chairman of Humanity+, fellow at IEET, and Hybrid Reality Institute, a visiting scholar at 21st Century Medicine, and a track advisor at Singularity University. Besides the PhD, she holds a MSc in human enhancement technologies and a MPhil in the theoretical concerns of enhancement, and is a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. Her background is in performative and visual arts. She is currently a professor of design at University of Advancing Technology.

h+ Academy – Challenge Limits.

The Members H+ Academy is developed to provide a way for members to exchange ideas and collaborate on projects. Round Table discussions featuring world-leading thinkers discussing the most immediate issues will be recorded and available on our YouTube channel. We… Continue Reading →

Post-Pandemic: A Future Free of Disease and Destruction (July 7-8)

Beyond Disease; Beyond Scarcity; Beyond Cruelty: We need new technology, science, and culture to get beyond disease and destruction. About this Event The H+ Summit will host speakers on Zoom and steam live for all attendees on YouTube. We will… Continue Reading →

H+: Bringing Arts/Sciences and Design Into the Discussion of Transhumanism

Introduction The current discussion on transhumanism concerns human use of NBIC1 technologies and sciences to enhance human biology and to radically extend human life. I address this concern by bringing arts/sciences and design into the discussion. Artists and designers have… Continue Reading →

The Aesthetics of Transhumanism

The current socio-political discussion on transhumanism concerns human use of NBIC [1] technologies and sciences to enhance human biology and to radically extend human life. I address this concern by bringing art and design into the discussion. Artists and designers… Continue Reading →

Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Skin

What is more intimate to each person than the very skin of the body – the sensuous touch, taste and smell of our skin? The skin, visible and exposed, displays our character and emotions. Yet, it is hidden and private… Continue Reading →

We Are Strong: Only Insofar As We Take Advantage of Our Innate Abilities and Build Smarter Tools

Humans are animals that build tools to enhance physiology. It is the use of tools that helped to increase the human brain into a larger, more complex system than that of early hominids. “Tools and bigger brains mark the beginning… Continue Reading →

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