the future of humanity now

Author René Milan

René is a sociologist, clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist and a software consultant. He has lived and worked in a dozen countries across the globe and currently resides in Jerez de la Frontera with his wife. He has studied and practiced occultism and in particular Thelema for 50 years and has been a (psychedelic) transhumanist since the 70s and a member of WTA (humanity+) since 2002. He is an affiliate scholar of IEET (Institute for Emerging Technologies). His motto: “Abrogate are all rituals”.

The Vision Thing

  A brief review of existing visions for alternative political systems Introduction Last year’s establishment of the Transhumanist Party in the u.s. has sparked much activity in Europe towards the same goal, and it seems likely that the trend will… Continue Reading →

Run, don’t Hide !

“An American political organization dedicated to promoting and embracing transhumanism” This was announced a couple of weeks ago. Since then i had several discussions about Zoltan’s new party and his intention to run for president in 2016. Frankly i was… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on ‘The Transhumanist Wager’

This is less of a review than a report on my experiences before, while and after reading it. When it was published and I became aware of it I was quite determined to read it, but because of time restrictions… Continue Reading →

Be Here Now !

I want the future now, I want to hold it in my hands; All men equal and unbowed, I want the promised land. Peter Hammill 1978 At my 10 year anniversary as a ‘card carrying’ transhumanist i feel compelled to… Continue Reading →

The question of religion and transhumanism (opinion)

Originally titled: “Who’s Your Daddy Now ?” All magical pantheons have become aspects of ourselves. We, like the Sun, do not die. Death, like night, is an illusion. Life is now seen as a process of continual growth and humanity… Continue Reading →

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