U.S. Transhumanist Party, Transhumanity.net, and Transhumanist Party of Canada are co-sponsoring an exciting and unique Certificate in Transhumanism.
Many dedicated transhumanists have taken this course, including
David J Kelley (researcher, engineer, AGI Laboratory)
Franco Cortese (Deputy Director at Aging Analytics Agency, Former Deputy Director at Biogerontology Research Foundation)
Steven Umbrello (Managing Director at Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, Former Junior associate at Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Former Policy Coordinator at Global Healthspan Policy Institute)

1. Assignment One – Students examine the 411-page Transhumanist Survey (funded by Terasem Foundation / Martine Rothblatt) and read the essay Transhumanism: there are [at least] ten different philosophical categories; which one(s) are you? After reading this, students write a 600-word report explaining how and why they are transhumanists, what aspects of the philosophy they find most important and agree with, and which aspects they regard as less important, and perhaps disagree with.
2. Background Studies – Students read 20 transhumanist essays (from a selection of 100+ essays suggested by the instructors). Students provide 200+ word summaries & critiques of the 20 essays (this helps certificate instructors determine the student’s interests).
3. Publication – students compose four carefully-researched reports. The essays need to be 800+ words in length, with footnotes or hyperlinks, and references. When the essays are complete, they instructors introduce them to editors of Transhumanist websites to obtain publication of the essays. Certificate instructors assist students in research and writing; rewrites are often required.
4. Visual Media + Social Impact – students create either a short video on a transhumanist topic, or an audiotape, or 3 jpeg “memes”, or any other type of media or artistic product. Technical instruction is provided. Instructors advise the students on where to display their products. Students also learn to use various social media to “drive traffic” via reddit, etc.
5. Summary – a 500 word summary written by the student, describing what they learned about transhumanism and how they intend to promote its values.
6. Certificate is awarded, with signatures, describing what the graduate accomplished.
1. E-book with advice on how to increase mental capacity.
2. Introductions to transhumanist writers, researchers, editors, and publishers.
Queries can be sent to hedonistfuturist@aol.com
Phone calls or Skype/Zoom etc. can also be arranged
Cost: $200
Gennady Stolyarov II – Chairperson of the U.S. Transhumanist Party. He’s the author of Death is Wrong, speaker at life extension conferences, philosophical essayist, composer, poet, science fiction novelist, vlogger on youtube and blogger at The Rational Argumentator.
Dinorah Delfin – Editor-in-Chief of Immortalist Magazine, Editorial Advisor for Springer’s Transhumanism International Book Series, founder of the New York Transhumanist Party. She’s also a conceptual multimedia artist and international lecturer.
Aria Cheng – Founder of Transhumanist Party of Canada, Ambassador at Humai, Former Creative Director / Project Manager at Robots Without Borders
Brent Reitze (writer for Immortalist magazine, technologist/cybersecurity, Director of Publication for US Transhumanist Party)
Kimberly Forsythe – Founder of AKuaponics3D and Namaste Coin, Advisor at Lifeboat Foundation, blogger at New World Optimist
Hank Pellissier – writer of 100+ Transhumanist articles, producer of 10 Transhuman Vision conferences & debates, former Managing Director at Institute of Ethics & Emerging Technology, founder of Transhumanity.net, co-founder of Transhumanists for UBI.
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