One of the bigger problems I have run into in doing research out of a small lab is the cost of publishing papers and get them peer-reviewed.  Many of the most specialized scientific conferences like BICA Society (Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures for AI) can not afford to subsidize costs. This means limits on how many papers can be released and spreading papers over many years sometimes.  Recently I got invited to produce and help produce two scientific conferences at the IS4IS summit in September, and the best part is that IS4SI has gotten a grant to cover publishing costs.  This means everyone for both conferences is able to publish (assuming your paper meets standards) and attend for free.

If for some reason, your paper does not meet the quality or topic bar’s, we can help you.  So the two VIRTUAL conferences are:

BICA*AI 2021 – Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures for AI  (I’m the chair on this one)
This conference contributing to the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI), is about how data and data architecture is used and implemented in theory and practice in agent-based systems using cognitive architectures that are inspired in large part by the human and animal mind. All aspects of information theory and information architecture in a Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) based system may be covered. This conference is about information theory from the BICA perspective.


Philosophy and Computing 2021 (I’m on the organizing committee for this one)

Organized by Philosophers assembled over the years around the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers and the APA Committee on Philosophy and Computers (both now discontinued) and related organizations: Association on Philosophy and Computing (APC) affiliate of the APA, which started in 2020 – the current conference is its first external activity; philosophy interest group within BICA Society (which also organizes its own conference at this IS4SI); PHAEDE (Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Era (within the Romanian Society for Philosophy, Engineering, and Techno-ethics) with a long tradition of organizing related conferences and publications; Philosophy and Science PAN (journal of the Polish Academy of Science), which will publish a whole large issue from the conference free of charge for the authors [in print and online – free access]. Also, other organizations and groups focused on philosophical issues in our digital world.

My reason for sharing is that I think it’s a good chance for researchers to get papers published w/o cost.  The papers will be published in the Proceedings in MDPI.

Additionally, there is the Superintelligence Conference in June, but this is not free.  but the cost is low here: