the future of humanity now

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Joscha Bach: We need to understand the nature of AI to understand who we are (podcast)

Joscha Bach is one of those rare people whose primary motivation is unbound curiosity and inspiration. He clearly loves what he does and you can’t help but notice his radiating passion and youthful exuberance. Joscha has an impressively wide and deep knowledge in a variety of scientific, philosophical and artistic disciplines and I had to do my best just to keep up with Bach’s brilliant fast-paced mind and stream of consciousness. I enjoyed our conversation immensely and hope you love it too.

You Could Be a Von Neuman Probe…

Seeing all this advanced nanite self-evolving technology all around us all the time has always bothered me a touch or at least kept me thinking about it now and then.  It is sort of a break from my AI research… Continue Reading →

Episode 99 – Erik Davis on How to Navigate High Weirdness

This week’s guest is Erik Davis – one of my great inspirations, someone who has influenced me and this podcast in immeasurable ways since I first encountered his amazing criticism, histories, and “seen it all” visionary cool – I still recommend his… Continue Reading →

Sleep Is The New Coffee

A month ago I finished reading Why We Sleep. Not only did I become convinced that getting high-quality sleep is the best protector and enhancer of health and cognition, but it is also the most underappreciated. I’m shocked that sleep… Continue Reading →

Send Socrates to the Arctic: Vote for Nikola Danaylov for Fjallraven Polar

Hey friends, Please help me lead a dog-sled-team above the Arctic Circle in the wilderness between Norway and Sweden. 😉 All you need to do is vote for me and share this with your email list or anywhere else and ask… Continue Reading →

Episode 98 – Decentralization Panel at Arcosanti Convergence with Members of Holochain, NuMundo, Unify, & Reality Sandwich

It’s a deep and wide investigation of decentralized networks of many kinds this week, drawing on the insights and wisdoms of five very different panelists in a discussion held at the legendary experimental city-under-construction Arcosanti, Arizona. Like it’s a rainforest, I… Continue Reading →

A Collective Intelligence Research Platform for Cultivating Benevolent “Seed” Artificial Intelligences

Abstract. We constantly hear warnings about super-powerful super-intelligences whose interests, or even indifference, might exterminate humanity. The current reality, however, is that humanity is actually now dominated and whipsawed by unintelligent (and unfeeling) governance and social structures and mechanisms initially… Continue Reading →

The most incredible technology you’ve never seen

There’s money to be made and lives to be saved with the tiny stuff that’s all around us. Saving the world (or some subset of people in it) is in vogue among the world’s wealthiest. Jeff Bezos has a rocket… Continue Reading →

Episode 97 – Zak Stein on Love in a Time Between Worlds: A Metamodern Metaphysics of Eros

This week’s guest is Dr. Zak Stein, an author and educator whom I met as fellow students of the work of philosopher Ken Wilber over ten years ago. Zak took the road of serious high academic scholarship while I was… Continue Reading →

Brain Interface: A Vision Shared by Few, Feared by Many, and Destined for All

When I was approached to join Kernel, a startup building brain interfaces (BI), I was hesitant. I knew that the path to commercialize this technology was (and is) fantastically challenging. After nearly a year of working with Kernel as an… Continue Reading →

Episode 96 – Malena Grosz on Community-Led Party Culture vs. Corporate “Nightlife”

This week’s guest is the intriguing, talented, and amazingly well-organized Malena Grosz, who is currently traveling across the United States to interview party culture professionals for her multimedia thesis on community-led party culture to gain and share their perspectives on… Continue Reading →

(preview) Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Theory of Consciousness as Implemented in the ICOM Cognitive Architecture and the Associated Consciousness Measures

(2019) Submitted and Passed Peer review – AAAI Symposia 2019 at Stanford: ( Abstract:   This paper articulates the fundamental theory of consciousness used in the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) research program and the consciousness measures as applied to ICOM… Continue Reading →

Impact Investing Just Doesn’t Cut It

Given the UN Climate Report released a few weeks ago, by the time my eight-year-old daughter graduates from high school, we’ll be in very big trouble. Yikes. After reading the report, I thought through a list of my instinctive yet… Continue Reading →

Roman Yampolskiy on Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security (227)

There are those of us who philosophize and debate the finer points surrounding the dangers of artificial intelligence. And then there are those who dare go in the trenches and get their hands dirty by doing the actual work that… Continue Reading →

Episode 0095 – Mark Nelson on the Legacy of Biosphere 2 (Part 2)

This week’s episode is the conclusion of a special two-part conversation with Dr. Mark Nelson, one of the eight “biospherians” who lived for two years inside the closed ecological network Biosphere 2 – one of the most ambitious experiments ever… Continue Reading →

Dr. Michael Greger on How Not to Age (Episode 229)

There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael… Continue Reading →

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Litigation

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are gaining more attention as days pass. Aside from the advantages that cryptocurrencies have like anonymity and easy international transactions, people are enticed by the fact that it can become a good investment. Apart from trading bitcoins for cash, you… Continue Reading →

Stuart Russell on Artificial Intelligence: What if we succeed? (Episode 228)

Stuart Russell is a professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley as well as co-author of the most popular textbook in the field – Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Given that it has been translated into 13 languages and is… Continue Reading →

Episode 94 – Mark Nelson on Ecotechnics & Biosphere 2 (Part 1)

This week’s episode is the first of a special two-part conversation with Dr. Mark Nelson, one of the eight “biospherians” who lived for two years inside the closed ecological network Biosphere 2 – one of the most ambitious experiments ever… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series E15 – Hybridization Concepts of Artificial Human Optimization Field Algorithms Incorporated into Particle Swarm Optimization

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Todays paper is titled: Hybridization Concepts of Artificial Human Optimization Field Algorithms Incorporated into Particle Swarm Optimization   Authored By Hassan… Continue Reading →

Episode 93 – Virtuoso Guitarist Andreas Kapsalis on Travel, Life, and Music

This week’s guest is one of my favorite living musicians, acoustic guitarist Andreas Kapsalis. We linked up at the magical experimental city of Arcosanti, Arizona last year during their Convergence event, at which we both performed, and talked about life… Continue Reading →

ZS updates #1

This is the first in a series of articles giving you news on developments within the Zero State (ZS).   A Work In Progress We just concluded the weekly Cloud Nine meeting on the ZS Discord server, in which we… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [3/3]

This is the third and final part in my last article series outlining Zero State (ZS) ideas. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. This series outlines our transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to an… Continue Reading →

How uBiome is Making Our Microbiome the Platform That Changes Almost Everything

This article is part of a series about how OS Fund (OSF) companies are radically redefining our future by rewriting the operating systems of life. Or as we prefer to think about it: Step 1: Put a dent into the universe…. Continue Reading →

Episode 92 – EFF-Austin Panel on “The Pre- and Post-History of VR, Surveillance, & Swarm Intelligence”

This week’s a treat – not one, but FOUR amazing guests, in Future Fossils Podcast’s first live taping at EFF-Austin, 10 July 2017. Heather Barfield (Head of EFF-Austin Digital Arts Coalition and Director of Development, Vortex Theater); Maggie Duval (Chief Experience… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series E14 – Multi-agent distributed framework for swarm intelligence

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: Multi-agent distributed framework for swarm intelligence Authored By Sorin Ilie and Costin Badica Abstract: This paper presents… Continue Reading →

Future Grind – Ep. 28 – The State of Transhumanist Politics with Gennady Stolyarov II

In this installment of the Future Grind podcast host Ryan O’Shea sits down with Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the US Transhumanist Party. Gennady took the reins of the Transhumanist Party when the organization’s founder, Zoltan Istvan, stepped down after… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series E13 – Chip Up AI Performance

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: Chip Up AI Performance


Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Todays paper is titled: A RIGHT TO REASONABLE INFERENCES: RE-THINKING DATA PROTECTION LAW IN THE AGE OF BIG DATA AND AI… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [⅔]

This is Part 2 in a 3-Part article series, which briefly examines a number of ideas related to the “ZS Reboot”, and our current transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to developing active project groups. You can find Part… Continue Reading →

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