the future of humanity now

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The Singularity: Christianity’s New Eschatological Hope (opinion)

(editors note: ok enough about sending me complaints, is about looking at all transhumanist topics as long as they are not offensive and some what logical and Christian transhumanist material is reasonable, if you want to see other topics stop complaining… Continue Reading →

ALCOR – I’m a happy (but not impatient) customer

“It was sunny in Los Angeles, I was working the afternoon shift…” Joe Friday’s voice said that, in my dream. I came out of a trance. The Amtrak train was pulling into early-morning Flagstaff Arizona hours late, which was a… Continue Reading →

Why Christians Should Embrace Transhumanism

Transhumanism, by definition, is a worldwide cultural and intellectual endeavor that has the end objective of transforming humanity by developing and extensively providing technologies that significantly enhance the intellectual, physical and psychological capacities of human beings. During much of the… Continue Reading →

Holacracy and the Transhumanist Party

EDIT: The post below raised some questions, and apparently some minor misunderstandings which I would like to briefly address. If you haven’t read the post below already, I would recommend doing so before reading the note which follows at its… Continue Reading →

Virtual Unreality

Imagine, a life fully immersed inside a computer game where our every desire is fulfilled, and the suffering of reality is absent. One day, we may decide that a virtual existence is a more appealing option than the real world… Continue Reading →

A Vote for the Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate Is a Vote for Tyranny (opinion)

I am advocate for transhumanism, rightly defined. I am certainly not a technophobe who perceives all technology to be bad. In my opinion, human technology – like all matter – is a tool that can be used for good or… Continue Reading →

The Maitreya and the Cyborg: Connecting East and West for Enriching Transhumanist Philosophy

In this essay I would like to reflect on Eastern and Western philosophy, their definition of enlightenment, and their connection to transhumanist thinking. How may Buddhist concepts like ‘Bodhi’ and the ‘Maitreya’ relate to the Western ‘Enlightenment’, human enhancement, and… Continue Reading →

New Brain ‘Mesh’ Implants can Shrink Tumors, and Treat Depression

Researchers have finally found a way around what was once a fork in the road: building a brain implant that was flexible, while at the same time retained its integrity without damaging the surrounding brain tissue. The new Nano-like mesh… Continue Reading →

Want to Biohack your Brain? – $50,000 Cranial Surgery Equipment costs only $10 via DIY Black Market

Nootropics are popular in our circles, but in my opinion there isn’t a non-prescription substance on the market right now that is staggeringly apparent in its effects. You know; something like the pill on the movie Limitless. I’m always on… Continue Reading →

2050 And The Future Of Femininity

Have you been wondering why issues of femininity have taken a front and center stage lately? Whether if you’re a man or woman, we’ve all been united by Always’ Like A Girl, #ThatOtherShirt, CBS news stories on transgender children, and most… Continue Reading →

DIY & Grinding: Get In Here! – Transhumanism is a Verb, not a Club

info: 1. Transhumanism is a verb. 2. Transcendence is a human right. 3. Technology relevant to that right will be laid bare for all to see. 4. Anon science is the way of the transhuman future. 5. Nobody is coming… Continue Reading →

Extreme Future Tech Conference – Summer 2015

With special guests including Zoltan Istvan (Futurist and SciFi Author) this event will be an interactive immersive day of future technology, demos, XR related technology, device bar, touch wall and info on emerging trends and what that means for the future… Continue Reading →

Holacracy and the Transhumanist Party

The Transhumanist Party represents a new branch of the Transhumanist movement, and as such is now taking the first steps in a long journey. Here at the beginning, we have the opportunity to consider how our movement will be organised,… Continue Reading →

Cyborg Possibilities – The Arms and Legs (Part Three)

This article doesn’t need any of the special categories or explanations – the two classifications are pretty self explanatory. Let’s jump right in. Arms: The most recent advancements in bionic arms seem to be included in the BeBionic prosthetic arms…. Continue Reading →

Cyborg Possibilities – The Torso and Skin (Part 2)

Returning to our Deus Ex graphic, the next three categories are the torso, back, and skin. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll lump the torso and back together. The skin, however, deserves its own category. The Torso: I am construing the torso… Continue Reading →

“If Eternal Life Becomes a Medical Possibility, I Will Have It Because I am a Tech Pirate”

I’d say most Grinders [DIY biohackers] are interested in life extension, but it hasn’t been a primary focus of the community. It is an intricate topic. There was talk for a while about the effects of IGF-1, and we have… Continue Reading →

Release your Inner Cyborg with Brain Stimulation Implants – can Grinders drive the Research?

If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease you may in fact be eligible to participate in a study involving implantation with Medtronic’s new deep-brain DBS-f device. The device is used to selectively stimulate nerve bundles like the fornix, a… Continue Reading →

Cyborg Possibilities – The Head (Part One)

It has been a while since I last talked about prosthetic devices. For reference, see here, here, and here. This is part one in a several part series, but I intend to put out the whole series over the next… Continue Reading →

Rise of the Military Robot

If you’re anything like me, you grew up on Transformers, or maybe Gundam Wing; big battling robots that carved swaths of destruction wherever they went. While we’re not quite there yet, the military has been pouring a lot of money… Continue Reading →

unSingularity – let’s enjoy the slow hike to the future

As a child of the 60s I spent most of my life regretting that we didn’t build those cities on the Moon and the planets. Now I realize that the Apollo adventure was too far from our supply lines to… Continue Reading →

Who Should ExtraTerrestrials Speak To? Who Should Talk to Them?

Who should extraterrestrials speak to? Alternately, if Earthlings were space bound and found a pre-spaceflight civilization, who should talk to them? To my knowledge, no specific first-contact plan exists. If the contact were to occur in outer space, then Article… Continue Reading →

Property Law and Outer Space

Before I proceed with this essay. let me emphasize that nothing I say here is to be construed as legal advice. If you’re planning on claiming an asteroid or something, consult a lawyer. The fancy Latin term for unclaimed land… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and their Impact on the Law

Watson showed, in dramatic form, the capabilities of current computers when it (he?) defeated the two best Jeopardy! Players in the world almost two years ago. If Kurzweil’s law of accelerating returns holds, Watson ought to be about twice as… Continue Reading →

The birth of Political Transhumanism

A footnote in History: The first explicitly Transhumanist candidate Political Transhumanism is beginning to coalesce, and will become a force to reckon with as accelerating technologies increasingly transform society, and people seek a new paradigm to handle the wave of… Continue Reading →

Immortality 101

Fairy tale immortality, whereby you drink an elixir and there, you’re indestructible, is a fool’s errand. It comes from a simplistic and sometimes anthropomorphic view of death: picturing it as a man who takes souls, who you can somehow evade… Continue Reading →

Dog-God AI-Delusion Redacted

The first version of this article insulted proponents of AI fear. Those insults could distract people from my logic so I created this redacted version with insults removed. This redacted version also includes extra information. The logical fallacy (human treatment… Continue Reading →

The Transhuman Illuminati

Now days it is sort of a joke about this conspiracy or that government plot when the term illuminati comes up. I was doing some reading and it seems that while the thinking around the term tends to be fringe… Continue Reading →

Ex Machina Movie Review

After months of mind numbing patience, I finally managed to see ‘Ex Machina’ the movie ( ). There have been a few AI centered or Singularity related movies the past few years such as Transcendence with Johnny Depp (love hate… Continue Reading →

Deneb IV Chronicles, Part 2 (SciFi)

“In my mind ‘Science Fiction’ is an important part of the process of visualizing possible futures thus helping shape that future building process.  As such especially hard fact based science fiction is important to the process of futurism and for… Continue Reading →

Imbecilic Dog-God-AI-Delusion

Super-smart AI harming or enslaving humans is a fiction similar to gods. It is fitting to link the two idiotic delusions together, which Steve Wozniak did in March 2015. Gods have zero relevance to intelligence. Gods relate wholly to deluded… Continue Reading →

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