the future of humanity now

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BioHack Diabolical Plot #1 – Implant “Defiance” via Mass DBS to Topple Authoritarian Regimes

This article was partially inspired by, and can be seen as a follow-up to, one of Rich Lee’s excellent articles.  Near the end, he briefly describes one of his diabolical plots, in which he would set up an elaborate system… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Social Safety Nets on the African Continent

Social safety nets are on the rise in Africa, and continue to evolve from scattered stand-alone programs into dependable safety net systems. Until recently, many African countries approached social protection on a largely ad hoc basis. However, when the global… Continue Reading →

Opinion: The Abolitionist Project – suffering and how to get rid of it

INTRODUCTION This talk is about suffering and how to get rid of it. I predict we will abolish suffering throughout the living world. Our descendants will be animated by gradients of genetically preprogrammed well-being that are orders of magnitude richer… Continue Reading →

Parasites, Predators and Serial Killers (Part 2 of “Reprogramming Predators”)

[Part 1 of this essay appearsHERE) Suffocationinduces a sense of extreme panic. It’s a comparatively rare experience in contemporary human life, althoughpanic disorder, an anxiety disorder characterized by recurring severe panic attacks, is extremely unpleasant and quite common. Whatever its… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Information Will Change the World

So, 2012 has ended and everywhere you look, despite our having survived the “end of the world” you see pessimism, gloom, doom and negativity. No matter where you live, it seems everyone is convinced that there’s just no hope. So… Continue Reading →

“We Can Hear You Now!” – 12 Ways Cell Phones Accelerate Africa

Africa is Rising! Technology, like cell phones, is aiding Africa’s fantastic leap forward. But are the poorest of the poor left behind? Africa is often demeaned as the “Lost” or “Hopeless” continent due to 1st World Afro-pessimism that’s gorges itself… Continue Reading →

Nine Ways In-Vitro Meat Will Change Our Lives

Future Flesh is squatting on your plate. Are you nervous? Stab it with a fork. Sniff it. Bite! Chew, swallow. Congratulations! Relax and ruminate now because you’re digesting a muscular invention that will massively impact the planet. In-Vitro Meat—aka tank… Continue Reading →

Opinion: The Abolitionist Project: Can Biotech Abolish Suffering Throughout the Living World?

David Pearce is an independent researcher and vegan animal activist based in Brighton UK. In 1995, he wrote an online manifesto, The Hedonistic Imperative, advocating the use of biotechnology to abolish suffering throughout the living world. Here’s a videotape of… Continue Reading →

Opinion: The Problem of Predation (Part 1 of “Reprogramming Predators”)

“And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the
 calf and the young lion and the yearling together and a little child shall lead them.”  
Isaiah 11:6 “The total amount… Continue Reading →

Is Humanity Accelerating Towards… Apocalypse? or Utopia?

Will the future provide us with a genetically preprogrammed blissful paradise, or a global catastrophe? Will there be cessation of all suffering, or annihilation of all sentient life?   The history of futurology is not encouraging. Most “predictions” by futurists… Continue Reading →

Student Sponsorship Program for Exosphere Academy

Introducing the Exosphere Academy 2016 – Scholarship Program.  Help us send students to the Exosphere or sign up your self. The program is both about gaining a specific skill but at the same time exchanging experiences, knowledge, working and collaborating… Continue Reading →

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