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Tag AGILaboratory

Demonstrating How the mASI (Uplift) system generates initial responses using GPT-3

This is taken from the book that might be released publicly at the upcoming Superintelligence Conference for attendees. mASI use of DNN and Language Model API’s [draft] Previously we have walked through how the code over the simple case works,… Continue Reading →

The Uplift White Paper Draft – Collective Superintelligence Systems: Augmenting Human Intelligence and Moving Beyond Narrow AI

This is a pre-release version of the Uplift white paper that will be on the site to be a consumer-friendly explanation of what mASI systems can do and why they are cool. Introduction A collective system has multiple parts… Continue Reading →

Introduction to the Intelligence Value Argument (IVA) Ethical Model for Artificial General Intelligence

The Intelligence Value Argument (IVA) states that, “ethically”, a fully Sapient and Sentient Intelligence is of equal value regardless of the underlying substrate which it operates on, meaning a single fully Sapient and Sentient software system has the same moral… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series Episode 1: Architecting a Human-like Emotion-driven Conscious Moral Mind for Value Alignment and AGI Safety.

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Title: Architecting a Human-like Emotion-driven Conscious Moral Mind for Value Alignment and AGI Safety. Peer reviewed by AAAI at Stanford University,… Continue Reading →

Sustainability – Divi is an Eco Friendly Cryptocurrency

What does this mean, an eco-friendly cryptocurrency? The mainstream media has picked up on the fact that the “mining” of Bitcoin and other cryptos use massive amounts of electricity worldwide. The amount is so large that it’s been projected to… Continue Reading →

The AGI Laboratories Updated Plutchik Emotional Model

(Provo, UT)  The AGI Laboratory released a new modified Plutchik model which acts as the underlying basis for biasing ICOM AGI systems.  The lab has used several variations but given various factors is moving ahead with all the research program’s using… Continue Reading →

SE5 – COG AI for EOS #EOSHackathon

Welcome to ‘The Technocracy‘s engineering and research teams entry video into the EOS blockchain hackathon.  Please vote for us in the link below…

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