the future of humanity now

Tag blockchain

A New Kind of Governance, ‘Transhuman’ Governance… (A Proposal)

When thinking about the IAmTranshuman project I always end up thinking about policy and things that could be improved even in small ways to help society be more transhuman. For example one of the problems with democracy is that it… Continue Reading →

Blockchain and the Future of Payments

High fees, long queues in the bank, long waiting times to send money across the world, chargeback frauds, and similar issues are all about to become part of history. With the latest technology known as „blockchain“ that powers cryptocurrencies, our… Continue Reading →

118 – Nathan Waters on the Future of Housing, Mobility, and Work

“I want to break the idea that housing is an investment vehicle. I mean housing is a f-cking HUMAN NEED.” This week’s guest is Australian futurist Nathan Waters, whose vision for a mobile, modular mashup of apartment living and driverless cars… Continue Reading →

Can Blockchain Change How We Compute Credit Scores?

Blockchain has been making people in the know reconsider the way they handle finances. Blockchain is basically a triple-entry accounting ledger that is part of a network. Each blockchain contains a copy of that ledger and every new record will… Continue Reading →

Speed Humps and Securities

In this edition, the top news starts with:  Bitcoin and Ethereum are officially not securities according to the SEC, primarily because they are too decentralized.  Google’s (er… I mean “Alphabet’s”) Deepmind is able to decompose a 3D space from… Continue Reading →

Sustainability – Divi is an Eco Friendly Cryptocurrency

What does this mean, an eco-friendly cryptocurrency? The mainstream media has picked up on the fact that the “mining” of Bitcoin and other cryptos use massive amounts of electricity worldwide. The amount is so large that it’s been projected to… Continue Reading →

Divi Beta Notes: 5-tier Masternodes

Divi has entered the home stretch with our limited beta next week.  Since I finally have some breathing room, I thought that I’d share some of what we’ve been doing and where we’re going. One of Divi’s most progressive features… Continue Reading →

Blockchain Will Soon Be A Necessity Across All Industries

Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin’s success, is already revolutionizing the world economy by changing how processes are being handled in industries. Already, a majority of organizations across different industries have incorporated blockchain systems into their day to day business activities…. Continue Reading →

What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain? Simply put, a blockchain is just a list of digital records (blocks) that are chained together using cryptography. The financial industry today contains all types of middlemen – payments processors, banks, and credit card companies are just a few…. Continue Reading →

SE5 – COG AI for EOS #EOSHackathon

Welcome to ‘The Technocracy‘s engineering and research teams entry video into the EOS blockchain hackathon.  Please vote for us in the link below…

Blockchain, Smart Contracts, & Beyond

Blockchain technology is currently deep into the “ridiculous hype” phase of its development, but it does have the potential to be incredibly powerful. The ideas of Smart Contracts and AI Negotiation Assistants are similarly not new, but with a convergence… Continue Reading →

Cryptography Donation To Transhuman House

(Provo, Ut) Presenting educational material is one of the key purposes of the Transhuman House. Visitors can explore the Foundation Library and the Transhuman Collection or check out local research on the BioCell or on the AGI Laboratory but also… Continue Reading →

We Need To Talk About Crypto

In a recent article I pointed out the suitability of cryptocurrency (CC) as an economic mechanism for modern networked societies, but also listed problems which must be addressed before CC can be truly viable as a currency per se. Any… Continue Reading →

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