the future of humanity now

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The Zero State Calendar & Celebrations

The “pulse” or activity-level of any movement can best be measured by looking at its events calendar, since that is likely to give you information about organizational capability, scale, frequency of events, intra-movement networks and external connections. Zero State (ZS)… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [⅓]: Singularitarian Metaphysics

The following article is a node in the ZS-ARG. If you want to know more, you can read about ZS (the Zero State) at, or in any number of articles with the tags “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS… Continue Reading →

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism The following is an adapted and expanded version of my introduction to “Social Futurism and the Zero State” (AKA ‘The Black Book’), exclusive to I am a fervent proponent of Social… Continue Reading →

ZS Mythos (3b/3): Twelve Foundation Stones

This article concludes an earlier summary of the Zero State’s twelve “Foundation Stones”, which are story-fragments, ‘seeds’ of a sort, together comprising the basis of our unifying narrative. Metahouse 4: The Black Parade The Black Parade gets its name from… Continue Reading →

ZS Mythos (3a/3): Twelve Foundation Stones

This article is part of a series about the Mythos (worldview-narrative) underlying the Zero State (ZS). Part 1 is about our highest concept, ideal, and level of organization, which we call The Array. Part 2 explains the Sections & Sessions… Continue Reading →

ZS-Gemeinschaft Stuttgart & the Ajati Virus

My previous article for Tnet outlined the Zero State’s trajectory into the future, its plans for growth and development. This article will now further explore plans for the first ZS geo-community, in Stuttgart, and the “Ajati Virus”. 1. ZS-Gemeinschaft Stuttgart… Continue Reading →

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