“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology.” –Ray Kurzweil Approximately 9000 years ago, hunters and gatherers were lactose intolerant. Their bodies couldn’t process milk after infancy. However, when they began to herd animals instead of simply hunting… Continue Reading →
Joscha Bach is one of those rare people whose primary motivation is unbound curiosity and inspiration. He clearly loves what he does and you can’t help but notice his radiating passion and youthful exuberance. Joscha has an impressively wide and deep knowledge in a variety of scientific, philosophical and artistic disciplines and I had to do my best just to keep up with Bach’s brilliant fast-paced mind and stream of consciousness. I enjoyed our conversation immensely and hope you love it too.
Hey friends, Please help me lead a dog-sled-team above the Arctic Circle in the wilderness between Norway and Sweden. 😉 All you need to do is vote for me and share this with your email list or anywhere else and ask… Continue Reading →
There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael… Continue Reading →
Stuart Russell is a professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley as well as co-author of the most popular textbook in the field – Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Given that it has been translated into 13 languages and is… Continue Reading →
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