the future of humanity now

Tag h+

H+ Academy “Brain Enhancements and Rights”

The latest H+ Academy video was posted featuring Anders Sandberg and Francesca Minerva. This H+ Roundtable features Anders Sandberg and Francesca Minerva in a discussion on Brain Enhancements and Rights. The event took place on March 14, 2021. The H+… Continue Reading →

Post-Pandemic: A Future Free of Disease and Destruction (July 7-8)

Beyond Disease; Beyond Scarcity; Beyond Cruelty: We need new technology, science, and culture to get beyond disease and destruction. About this Event The H+ Summit will host speakers on Zoom and steam live for all attendees on YouTube. We will… Continue Reading →

(Press) Enlightenment Transhumanist Association Registered in Nigeria

(Nigeria, Africa) this is a press release sent to, we do not know the validity; per say, but seems harmless and if true is great and we wish them the best.  What is important to note that as a… Continue Reading →

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.3 of 3)

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.3 of 3) Part 1 of this article introduced the Zero State (ZS) and its philosophical foundation. Part 2 looked at the application of that philosophy to real-life judgments. Now Part 3, below, will briefly… Continue Reading →

Pushing the Boundaries: Transhumanism and the next 25 Years

Transhumanism is a relatively new philosophy that believes in the possibility of humans and technology merging to the point of being indistinguishable from one another. Through technology, humans will be able to transcend the current limitations we all have in… Continue Reading →

“Transhuman Strategies” conference March 21 in Silicon Valley

What are the Transhuman Goals in the near future? How can these Transhuman ideas permeate the mainstream? Are there ways Transhumanism can assert itself in the political sphere? How can Transhumanist ideas and innovations create a better world now, for… Continue Reading →

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