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Tag health

Biohacking the Body to Produce Brown Fat

“Biohacking is a fairly new practice that could lead to major changes in our life. You could it call citizen or do-it-your-self biology. It takes place in small labs — mostly non-university — where all sorts of people get together… Continue Reading →

Brain Health Investment via Sugar Consumption Cost Redistribution

Although the overall trends regarding the consumption of added sugars as decreased from 1999-2007, the overall mean intake of added sugars continues to be an area of concern as they exceed the U.S. Dietary Guidelines on recommended intake. Numerous studies… Continue Reading →

Vegetarians Live Longer, Happier Lives…?

According to the largest study of vegetarian and vegans to date: Vegetarians live on average almost eight years longer. This conclusion correlates with findings in the study below, followed by the explanatory video: “By the 1970s, the mortality rate from… Continue Reading →

Transhumanist Fitness Program – optimizing your body & brain

Longevity and Brain Enhancement are the two primary ambitions of transhumanists, according to a survey conducted 2.5 years ago. This indicates that the “average transhumanist” is strongly motivated to keep his-or-her physical body and mental cognition in tip-top condition. These… Continue Reading →

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