the future of humanity now

Tag Identity

One DNA Fingerprint, One Vote

It may be anathema to say this, but I have not always been the biggest fan of democracy. The whole idea of one person having one vote struck me as extremely odd. How can one vote be equal to another?… Continue Reading →

130 – Lydia Laurenson on Identity, Community, and The New Modality

This week’s guest is writer Lydia Laurenson, editor of The New Modality, whose beat explores how people find and make meaningful lives in our era of change, anxiety, and new opportunity. For years Lydia also wrote a popular BDSM blog… Continue Reading →

Wyrd, Fyrd, & Rebis: Mythological Past to Posthuman Future

Transhumanism and Social Futurism are concerned with the deep future, which is to say the fate of humanity, rather than just the next few decades. When politicians and social commentators talk about the future, the end of this Century is… Continue Reading →

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