the future of humanity now

Tag Singularity

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2024

Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society Great job to the editors, Alexei Samsonovich and Tingting Liu. The book includes reports on biologically inspired approaches and their applications, Bridges between artificial intelligence and cognitive, neuro-, and social… Continue Reading →

Significant Single Gene Longevity Mutations in Humans: What Are the Odds? – Article by Reason

Prior to the discovery of single genes that could be mutated, silenced, or otherwise altered to significantly extend longevity in lower animals, such a thing was thought very unlikely. This is to say that nobody really thought about it at all… Continue Reading →

Prof. Ada Palmer on Pandemics, Progress, History, Teleology and the Singularity

Ada Palmer is a Professor in History researching the history of science, religion, progress, culture and many other fascinating topics. She is also a science fiction author of the award-winning Terra Ignota series beginning with Too Like the Lightning, which explores a twenty-fifth civilization… Continue Reading →

Chris Hables Gray on AI and the Singularity: We Need Strong Citizenship!

Prof. Chris Hables Gray is someone whose work on both war and the cyborg is a must read for anyone interested in those topics. I have followed Gray’s work for over 10 years and have read at least 3 of his books…. Continue Reading →

Cathy O’Neil on Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Threatens Democracy

Cathy O’Neil is a math Ph. D. from Harvard and a data-scientist who hopes to someday have a better answer to the question, “what can a non-academic mathematician do that makes the world a better place?” In the meantime, she wrote… Continue Reading →

Technology is a Magnifying Mirror, Not a Crystal Ball

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the smartest species of them all?” “You, oh Homo Sapiens, are smart, it is true. But AI will be smarter even than you.” *** The most popular myth about technology is perhaps the myth… Continue Reading →

Prof. Steve Fuller on Transhumanism: Ask yourself what is human?

Prof. Steve Fuller is the author of 25 books including a trilogy relating to the idea of a ‘post-’ or ‘trans-‘ human future, and most recently, Nietzschean Meditations: Untimely Thoughts at the Dawn of the Transhuman Age. He has an incredibly broad… Continue Reading →

The Singularity vs. Convergent Risk

Accelerating and converging trends of various types allow us to know one thing about the 21st Century with complete certainty: That it will not be business as usual. One way or another, life as you know it now will not… Continue Reading →

Joscha Bach: We need to understand the nature of AI to understand who we are (podcast)

Joscha Bach is one of those rare people whose primary motivation is unbound curiosity and inspiration. He clearly loves what he does and you can’t help but notice his radiating passion and youthful exuberance. Joscha has an impressively wide and deep knowledge in a variety of scientific, philosophical and artistic disciplines and I had to do my best just to keep up with Bach’s brilliant fast-paced mind and stream of consciousness. I enjoyed our conversation immensely and hope you love it too.

Send Socrates to the Arctic: Vote for Nikola Danaylov for Fjallraven Polar

Hey friends, Please help me lead a dog-sled-team above the Arctic Circle in the wilderness between Norway and Sweden. 😉 All you need to do is vote for me and share this with your email list or anywhere else and ask… Continue Reading →

Dr. Michael Greger on How Not to Age (Episode 229)

There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael… Continue Reading →

Stuart Russell on Artificial Intelligence: What if we succeed? (Episode 228)

Stuart Russell is a professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley as well as co-author of the most popular textbook in the field – Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Given that it has been translated into 13 languages and is… Continue Reading →

ZS updates #1

This is the first in a series of articles giving you news on developments within the Zero State (ZS).   A Work In Progress We just concluded the weekly Cloud Nine meeting on the ZS Discord server, in which we… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [3/3]

This is the third and final part in my last article series outlining Zero State (ZS) ideas. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. This series outlines our transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to an… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [3/3]: First Five

The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at, or in articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This is the third… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [2/3]: Worldlines

The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at, or in articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This piece is part… Continue Reading →

Abstract Series: E6 -The Singularity May Be Near

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: The Singularity May Be Near Authored By Roman V. Yampolskiy, Computer Engineering and Computer Science Speed… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [⅓]: Singularitarian Metaphysics

The following article is a node in the ZS-ARG. If you want to know more, you can read about ZS (the Zero State) at, or in any number of articles with the tags “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS… Continue Reading →

Escape To Reality!

Escape To Reality: Transhumanism, Gnosticism, Pure Land Buddhism, & the Zero State. Do you know the Gnostic myth? Do you know how that story goes? The Matrix came out nearly twenty years ago, dragging Gnosticism into the bright light of… Continue Reading →

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism The following is an adapted and expanded version of my introduction to “Social Futurism and the Zero State” (AKA ‘The Black Book’), exclusive to I am a fervent proponent of Social… Continue Reading →

ZS Mythos (3b/3): Twelve Foundation Stones

This article concludes an earlier summary of the Zero State’s twelve “Foundation Stones”, which are story-fragments, ‘seeds’ of a sort, together comprising the basis of our unifying narrative. Metahouse 4: The Black Parade The Black Parade gets its name from… Continue Reading →

A Vision For Humanity

Let’s take a moment to consider the world in the early 21st Century. Some things are better than they’ve ever been, and getting better all the time, while other very dangerous trends are moving rapidly in the opposite direction. Something… Continue Reading →

Know Your ABCs (pt.1): Asterion & Blackstar

We live in a world which is rapidly coming to a head. Not only are promising technologies converging at an accelerating pace, but so are a number of serious risks whose convergence could easily spell global annihilation. The necessary conclusion… Continue Reading →

The Great Filter: ASI Will Save Humanity (pt.3 of 3)

This piece is part 3 in a three-part series about the Great Filter concept, with a particular focus on the risks and challenges facing humanity in the 21st Century. Part 1 introduced the Great Filter idea, and part 2 reviewed… Continue Reading →

The Great Filter: Singularities Good & Bad (pt.2 of 3)

This piece is part 2 in a three-part series about the Great Filter concept, with a particular focus on the risks and challenges facing humanity in the 21st Century. Part 1 introduced the Great Filter idea, and part 3 argues… Continue Reading →

What is the Zero State (ZS)? [ARG / MetaFiction]

[MetaFiction][Alternate Reality Game][Social Futurism]* The Great Filter Looking back over the history of the 21st Century, we can see that turbulence was present from the outset. Weapons of Mass Destruction, resource shortages and climate change, civil conflicts and international tension,… Continue Reading →

The Social Futurist Worldview (2/4)

This piece is part of a series exploring salient aspects of the philosophy known as “Social Futurism” (a term coined and idea developed by myself from 2011-2018). For more full and systematic exploration of these ideas, see &…. Continue Reading →

The Social Futurist Worldview (1/4)

This piece is part of a series exploring salient aspects of the philosophy known as “Social Futurism” (a term coined and idea developed by myself from 2011-2018). For more full and systematic exploration of these ideas, see &…. Continue Reading →

Obstacles to Mind Uploading

Sing The Body Electric “Mind Uploading” is the idea that the pattern of information which constitutes your perceptual awareness, memories, personality, and all other cognitive functions can be abstracted from the brain it developed in, and “run” on a different… Continue Reading →

Shock Level 5: Epistemology and Future Shock (part 5 of 6)

The following article is part of a six-part series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. In the… Continue Reading →

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