the future of humanity now

Tag Social Futurism

The Million Year Life Span by Reason

I’m not going to try to convince you that the foreseeable future is a wondrous place: either you accept the implications of the present rate of technological progress towards everything allowed by the laws of physics, in which case you’ve probably… Continue Reading →

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.

Cryptocurrency will soon be a form of replicator credits in the post-scarcity economy. Satoshi Nakamoto described his invention like this: “Bitcoin is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact… Continue Reading →

The Zero State Calendar & Celebrations

The “pulse” or activity-level of any movement can best be measured by looking at its events calendar, since that is likely to give you information about organizational capability, scale, frequency of events, intra-movement networks and external connections. Zero State (ZS)… Continue Reading →

The Imperative & The Circle

In the past I have written about a vision for human civilizational flourishing, and would like to follow up those thoughts briefly now. More to the point, I wish to offer a deeper or foundational basis for those previous ideas…. Continue Reading →

The Singularity vs. Convergent Risk

Accelerating and converging trends of various types allow us to know one thing about the 21st Century with complete certainty: That it will not be business as usual. One way or another, life as you know it now will not… Continue Reading →

Dialog, Social Futurism and a Zero State Condition

Dr. Twyman developed the idea of social futurism which can be characterized as the idea of using technology to solve social problems.  Dr. Twyman has tried two variations to drive interest in the community as well as some political efforts… Continue Reading →

ZS updates #1

This is the first in a series of articles giving you news on developments within the Zero State (ZS).   A Work In Progress We just concluded the weekly Cloud Nine meeting on the ZS Discord server, in which we… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [3/3]

This is the third and final part in my last article series outlining Zero State (ZS) ideas. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. This series outlines our transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to an… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [⅔]

This is Part 2 in a 3-Part article series, which briefly examines a number of ideas related to the “ZS Reboot”, and our current transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to developing active project groups. You can find Part… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [⅓]

The Zero State (ZS) community and movement was officially founded with the release of the Social Futurist Principles on 1st May 12011. It started energetically, but soon encountered a problem common across the internet, which we will briefly examine below…. Continue Reading →


ZS (the Zero State) is undergoing something of an overhaul this month, continuing the “reboot” process spanning this year. As part of that overhaul there was a brainstorming session in the “Cloud Nine” ZS subgroup yesterday, in which we decided… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [3/3]: First Five

The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at, or in articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This is the third… Continue Reading →

H+ Mythos & Action [2/3]: Worldlines

The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at, or in articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This piece is part… Continue Reading →

Escape To Reality!

Escape To Reality: Transhumanism, Gnosticism, Pure Land Buddhism, & the Zero State. Do you know the Gnostic myth? Do you know how that story goes? The Matrix came out nearly twenty years ago, dragging Gnosticism into the bright light of… Continue Reading →

Dr. Twymans New Book on Social Futurism Released

(London) The Black Book (so-called in reference to an earlier Zero State release) is the first media release from Array Consulting and the re-launched Zero State Media. FREE DOWNLOAD: Abridged version of Social Futurism and the Zero State (AKA ‘The Black Book’), PDF format. The Black… Continue Reading →

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism

★ Black Hole Sun: Leadership within Social Futurism The following is an adapted and expanded version of my introduction to “Social Futurism and the Zero State” (AKA ‘The Black Book’), exclusive to I am a fervent proponent of Social… Continue Reading →

ZS Mythos (3b/3): Twelve Foundation Stones

This article concludes an earlier summary of the Zero State’s twelve “Foundation Stones”, which are story-fragments, ‘seeds’ of a sort, together comprising the basis of our unifying narrative. Metahouse 4: The Black Parade The Black Parade gets its name from… Continue Reading →

Epistle to the Libertarians

Hello. If someone gave you the link to this page, then they either thought you’d find it interesting, or were possibly attempting to do you a favour. This is a page about Libertarianism, from the viewpoint of someone who takes… Continue Reading →

ZS-Gemeinschaft Stuttgart & the Ajati Virus

My previous article for Tnet outlined the Zero State’s trajectory into the future, its plans for growth and development. This article will now further explore plans for the first ZS geo-community, in Stuttgart, and the “Ajati Virus”. 1. ZS-Gemeinschaft Stuttgart… Continue Reading →

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.3 of 3)

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.3 of 3) Part 1 of this article introduced the Zero State (ZS) and its philosophical foundation. Part 2 looked at the application of that philosophy to real-life judgments. Now Part 3, below, will briefly… Continue Reading →

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.2 of 3)

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.2 of 3) Part 1 of this article introduced the Zero State (ZS) and its philosophical foundation. Now Part 2, below, will begin to outline some “Breadcrumbs and Rabbit Holes”, which is to say ideas… Continue Reading →

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.1 of 3)

SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.1 of 3) Welcome to the Zero State (ZS). ZS is an activist community, part of the Social Futurist movement, and – depending on who you ask – it may or may not be a… Continue Reading →

Wyrd, Fyrd, & Rebis: Mythological Past to Posthuman Future

Transhumanism and Social Futurism are concerned with the deep future, which is to say the fate of humanity, rather than just the next few decades. When politicians and social commentators talk about the future, the end of this Century is… Continue Reading →

Radical Centrism vs. Spectacle/Dialectic

In a previous article, I recently said: “I believe that our society is governed by Spectacle; which is to say the modern equivalent of “bread and circuses”, designed as an array of deliberately false choices between options that don’t matter,… Continue Reading →

I Believe…

The article below offers a worldview, starting with an abstract philosophical foundation, upon which increasingly pragmatic structures can be built. The framework presented here is deliberately compatible with the political philosophy known as Social Futurism, although it is not part… Continue Reading →

A Vision For Humanity

Let’s take a moment to consider the world in the early 21st Century. Some things are better than they’ve ever been, and getting better all the time, while other very dangerous trends are moving rapidly in the opposite direction. Something… Continue Reading →

The Principles of Social Futurism (pt.1/5)

The Principles of Social Futurism define Social Futurism itself, which is a movement for Positive Social Change Through Technology. As such, Social Futurism represents the intersection of social, political, and economic concerns on the one hand, and technological issues on… Continue Reading →

Know Your ABCs (pt.2): Convergence

The previous article introduced the concepts of Asterion and Blackstar, being the ZS–ARG formulations of Technological Singularity and its Transhuman “Event Horizon”, respectively. Part 2, below, will now explain what Convergence means to ZSers.   Top-Level Goal (TLG)   As… Continue Reading →

Know Your ABCs (pt.1): Asterion & Blackstar

We live in a world which is rapidly coming to a head. Not only are promising technologies converging at an accelerating pace, but so are a number of serious risks whose convergence could easily spell global annihilation. The necessary conclusion… Continue Reading →

Liberal Democracy, the Third Way, & Social Futurism

Liberal Democracy, the Third Way, & Social Futurism   1.0 The Flaws of Liberal Democracy   The developed nations of the Western world are currently characterised by a political-economic system typically referred to as “Liberal Democracy“*. Up until very recently,… Continue Reading →

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