the future of humanity now

Tag Techno-Progressivism

Social Futurist revolution & toolkit

1.0 Social Futurist Revolution We have recently seen increased interest in the issues of workplace automation, technological unemployment, and Basic Income Guarantee (AKA Universal Basic Income). Some observers have been perplexed by visceral and sharply divided public opinion, with people viewing… Continue Reading →

The Social Futurist Worldview (2/4)

This piece is part of a series exploring salient aspects of the philosophy known as “Social Futurism” (a term coined and idea developed by myself from 2011-2018). For more full and systematic exploration of these ideas, see &…. Continue Reading →

Spielberg’s “Ready Player One”, Social Justice, & Transhumanism

Steven Spielberg’s new blockbuster, “Ready Player One” (RP1) is a return to form which trades on around a million (very knowing) 1980s pop-culture references, while also managing to connect those references to a larger narrative about future society and how… Continue Reading →

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