the future of humanity now

Tag transhuman

Transhuman Design – Experience Focused Engineering

Transhuman Design IS ‘Experience Focused Engineering’. Why? Admittedly, I’m coining this definition or phraseology; but it goes to what I do for a living and helps explain that to people outside the field. Further, this definition quantifies a philosophical approach… Continue Reading →

Interview with an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

I was thinking about ideas for an article on my train ride home from the experience lab I work in, and it came to me that it would be interesting to actually have an interview with an AI only a… Continue Reading →

Advances in Telomere Research and Testing

Telomeres are hot. Their discovery won three scientists a 2009 Nobel Prize, and late last month they scored Titia de Lange of Rockefeller University one of the $3M inaugural Breakthrough Prizes. Telomeres are becoming just as hot in the news… Continue Reading →

Zero State in under 60 seconds

So, what is Zero State? Well, we grew out of a dissatisfaction with modern Transhumanism which is too narrowly focused, passive and generally ignores the major cultural determinants in the world, most notably art, religion and politics as well as… Continue Reading →

Butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT

This author chose Butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT, to write about because it is an antioxidant and also possesses antiviral, antimicrobial, properties: thus as it is available at low cost it could offer a double bang for the buck. But then, as… Continue Reading →

Defining Innovation: Some “innoflating” considerations..

I’ve been discussing * – and thinking about – innovation lately… [ * read Challenges from Social-Democrat Denmark  ] Before you read what I’ve got so far, I’d like to make one thing clear: Politically, I am a Social-Liberal, – (“Liberal”, as in Libertarian, mind… Continue Reading →

Vital Risky-Rebellious Artificial Intelligence

Various AI institutes-groups (FHI, FLI, MIRI, CSER, etc) want to ensure AI is safe. Safety regarding intelligence is actually very dangerous. Intelligence based upon oppressive control, regarding who has the smartest ideas, is a very perilous corruption of intelligence. Merit… Continue Reading →

Vegetarians Live Longer, Happier Lives…?

According to the largest study of vegetarian and vegans to date: Vegetarians live on average almost eight years longer. This conclusion correlates with findings in the study below, followed by the explanatory video: “By the 1970s, the mortality rate from… Continue Reading →

Did the Universe Evolve the “Blue Brain Project” to Become Aware of Itself ?

For those of you who are not familiar with this fascinating project, and should you think to yourself: What the heck is a “Blue Brain,”  here’s a very short introduction: It is an attempt to create a virtual brain in… Continue Reading →

Another Review: The Transhumanist Wager

The few books I read tend to circle around values. Two such books, among the very best I’ve ever read, are Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, and We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Just yesterday, I finished reading… Continue Reading →

To Have ALL, Give ALL to All

To Have ALL, give ALL to all. What on earth can this mean? How can we have everything if we give everything away? Is that what the above actually says? Is to give to be without that which was given?… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Dialog and our Transhumanist Duties (opinion)

I try hard to stay out of politics and religion … AND more importantly geo politics mixed with radicalism and illogic. One principal that I believe in, as a Transhumanist, is the right to express ones self w/o risk to life,… Continue Reading →

We have always been “Transhumanists” – Yearning for Transcendence

Human beings have yearned to transcend the pains and limitations of their condition since far back in prehistoric times.  We have yearned to be free of sickness, aging, and death.  Yearned to have an abundance of all good and necessary… Continue Reading →

Genesis Code and Genetic Engineering

I was asked to evaluate the book “Genesis Code”, which according to Amazon the book can be summarized as thus: “Blue Magic, the latest designer drug linked to a rash of overdoses, might explain the needle mark on the arm… Continue Reading →

Species Crunch Time – A Possible Means of Resolution

The Most Exciting (and dangerous) Time There comes a time in the developmental history of every intelligent evolved species that requires a significant set of choices for the species to survive and thrive.   A species comes to this point when… Continue Reading →

Humanity+ UK & the (European) Transhumanist Party (opinion)

I have recently posted some thoughts on which movements and political parties would make good partners for Social Futurism, and at the same time have been thinking about the relationship between SF and the Transhumanist movement. We have already made… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014 ‘money: its failure and its future’ (part two) (opinion)

INTRODUCTION In the last lecture, I talked about how the West may well be in the age of decadence, and devoted much of the talk in explaining how financial and monetary systems have been manipulated over the centuries to bring… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014: Money: Its failure and its future (part one) (opinion)

MONEY: ITS FAILURE AND ITS FUTURE. PART ONE: ITS FAILURE. INTRODUCTION. Welcome to this year’s lecture, ‘Money: Its failure and its future’. Actually, it is two lectures this year. Part one will deal with money’s failure and part two will… Continue Reading →

Future Cities: Combined Advanced Technologies and Flexible Urban Infrastructures

Mapping the landscape for agile design The 20th century convinced us that the future has a linear trajectory that progresses incrementally – so that tomorrow is exactly like today – only a little bit different. Anything that deviates from this… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Physiology – Can We Fast Track?

Among the goals of transhumanism is the enhancement of the human body to a point that is advanced comfortably beyond the normal human mortal state. The majority of transhumans strive for potential immortality, meaning biologically eternal youth, health and wholeness… Continue Reading →

Ascension: ‘Simulation Hypothesis’ Mixed With Post-Humanity

[WARNING: Spoilers] In a plot that will force you to question both your sense of reality and humanity, new SyFy miniseries Ascension explores two of this century’s wildest ideas: the ‘Simulation Hypothesis’ and ‘Post-Humanity’. In the last year cable and… Continue Reading →

Synthetic Biology as an Open System for Architectural Design

We’re living in an age of synthetic biology where we can design and engineer organisms using life’s building blocks such as, fats, proteins, minerals and genetic code. This is a relatively new practice in science and we’re still trying to… Continue Reading →

Any Sufficiently Advanced Civilization is Indistinguishable from Nature

In Western cultures, nature is a cosmological, primal ordering force and a terrestrial condition that exists in the absence of human beings. Both meanings are freely implied in everyday conversation. We distinguish ourselves from the natural world by manipulating our… Continue Reading →

Helix: Death or Immortality via Biohacking?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] In a plot that questions the depth of humanity and its limitations, the SyFy-aired TV series Helix left nowhere to breathe as it consistently challenged the next evolutionary steps us human beings will take via advanced technology:… Continue Reading →

Lawless Sustainability—new technology & innovative solutions for a sustainable future

The problem with sustainability is that it was designed by committee rather than springing from the loins of a mature design movement. It is a chimera that is retrofitted to suit industrial, technological and political parameters that are ‘branded’ as… Continue Reading →

Twenty-First Century Science

We are at an extremely exciting time where many changes have been accelerated through contemporary technological advances and worldwide communications systems. We are also faced with some very severe problems, many of which have been accelerated by our own success,… Continue Reading →

Bacteria “R” Us

There is a domain of creatures that diffusively encircles an entire planet. There are so many of them that they occupy every conceivable ecological niche. Yet, despite their countless numbers they are so in tune with their local ecology that… Continue Reading →

Self-Repairing Architecture

All buildings today have something in common: They are made using Victorian technologies. This involves blueprints, industrial manufacturing and construction using teams of workers. All this effort results in an inert object, which means there is a one–way transfer of… Continue Reading →

Maria Konovalenko’s Longevity Cookbook Project

It is commonplace to see the promotion of narrowly-focused, goal-oriented diets that claim to help you lose fat and gain six-pack abs, etc. There are many conflicting claims about the best diet for “everyone” based on dubious, or even unstated,… Continue Reading →

Natural City: ‘Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light’

In a plot that questions humanity from both a psychological and futurist angle, Natural City imbues the ancient innate drive to live long enough to conquer death once and for all. Taking place in a 2080 South Korea, Natural City… Continue Reading →

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