Back in the distant, hazy days of 1998, Futurist Douglas Rushkoff published a book called “Playing the Future” (published in the UK as “Children of Chaos”). The book’s central thesis was that people born in the late 20th Century and early… Continue Reading →
Society and Artificial Intelligence: a Deep-Dive Series. Introduction Like many techies, people who’ve used these these rectangular objects called ‘computers’, or anyone who’s seen any sci-fi movie since the 80’s, I have been interested in Artificial Intelligence for a long… Continue Reading →
The art and science of user experience is centered around questions like “why?” and “how?” These are the questions that guide developers as they design products for a wide variety of users with a growing and diverse set of needs…. Continue Reading →
Traditionally, UX is a design process where products are designed in such a way that they are easy to use and engaging to interact with. The experiences that people have while interacting with these products holds almost as much value… Continue Reading →
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