Dr. Twyman developed the idea of social futurism which can be characterized as the idea of using technology to solve social problems. Dr. Twyman has tried two variations to drive interest in the community as well as some political efforts… Continue Reading →
Abstract: This paper examines the feasibility of an amateur approach to METI using cheaply available lasers and optics. We suggest a novel variation in the search methodology, concentrating on contacting any interstellar extraterrestrial probes that may be present in the… Continue Reading →
ZS, the Zero State, is something I’ve been intimately involved with since late 12010. The basic idea was initially a combination of Transhumanism and Social Justice concerns. Over the intervening years ZS has faced its challenges, as have I on… Continue Reading →
ZS (the Zero State) is undergoing something of an overhaul this month, continuing the “reboot” process spanning this year. As part of that overhaul there was a brainstorming session in the “Cloud Nine” ZS subgroup yesterday, in which we decided… Continue Reading →
The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at http://zerostate.net, or in Transhumanity.net articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This is the third… Continue Reading →
The following article is a node in the Zero State Alternate Reality Game (ZS–ARG). You can learn more at http://zerostate.net, or in Transhumanity.net articles tagged “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS is Transhumanist, Singularitarian, and Social Futurist. This piece is part… Continue Reading →
The following article is a node in the ZS-ARG. If you want to know more, you can read about ZS (the Zero State) at http://zerostate.net, or in any number of Transhumanity.net articles with the tags “ZS” or “Zero State”. ZS… Continue Reading →
Escape To Reality: Transhumanism, Gnosticism, Pure Land Buddhism, & the Zero State. Do you know the Gnostic myth? Do you know how that story goes? The Matrix came out nearly twenty years ago, dragging Gnosticism into the bright light of… Continue Reading →
(London) The Black Book (so-called in reference to an earlier Zero State release) is the first media release from Array Consulting and the re-launched Zero State Media. FREE DOWNLOAD: Abridged version of Social Futurism and the Zero State (AKA ‘The Black Book’), PDF format. The Black… Continue Reading →
This article is part of a series about the Mythos (worldview-narrative) underlying the Zero State (ZS). Part 1 is about our highest concept, ideal, and level of organization, which we call The Array. Part 2 explains the Sections & Sessions… Continue Reading →
My previous article for Tnet outlined the Zero State’s trajectory into the future, its plans for growth and development. This article will now further explore plans for the first ZS geo-community, in Stuttgart, and the “Ajati Virus”. 1. ZS-Gemeinschaft Stuttgart… Continue Reading →
SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.3 of 3) Part 1 of this article introduced the Zero State (ZS) and its philosophical foundation. Part 2 looked at the application of that philosophy to real-life judgments. Now Part 3, below, will briefly… Continue Reading →
SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.2 of 3) Part 1 of this article introduced the Zero State (ZS) and its philosophical foundation. Now Part 2, below, will begin to outline some “Breadcrumbs and Rabbit Holes”, which is to say ideas… Continue Reading →
SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.1 of 3) Welcome to the Zero State (ZS). ZS is an activist community, part of the Social Futurist movement, and – depending on who you ask – it may or may not be a… Continue Reading →
A Man Turned Inside Out: The Externalized Social If someone told you that their friends were all in their head, you’d probably think they were crazy or singing a Nirvana song. Friends exist out in the world after all, don’t… Continue Reading →
Up until very recently, we have understood creativity to be the sole preserve of human beings. Over the last twenty years, however, we have seen signs that machines are catching up fast, and the range of creative machine activities is… Continue Reading →
How important is Artificial Intelligence to emerging 21st Century society? Before assessing the likely practical impact, we must first understand that its philosophical and moral impact already goes to the very heart of who we are, and what we believe… Continue Reading →
The following article is part of a six-part Transhumanity.net series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. Future Shock… Continue Reading →
The following article is part of a six-part Transhumanity.net series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. In the… Continue Reading →
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