the future of humanity now

Category blog

Foundations Library: A Beacon of Knowledge for Transhumanism and Civilization Rebuilding

As of the close of 2024, I’m getting ready to catalog the 2024 additions to the Foundation library.   This last summer I finished catalogging the collect as of the close of 2023 both in the card catalog and in digital… Continue Reading →

Engineering Ghosts in the Machine: Digital Personalities

(draft) This chapter explores the development of “ghosts in the machine,” or digital copies of personalities, by leveraging cognitive architectures, graph databases, generative AI, and all the records we have on any given individual we want to emulate or replicate… Continue Reading →

Prompt Engineering or Framing Natural Language Queries to Generative AI Systems

This is an early draft of a chapter from my upcoming book… In understanding the Uplift system’s success, we need to understand the cognitive architecture and the graph system core to its contextual learning and key to creating dynamically creating… Continue Reading →

Exploring the Detection of Human Cognitive Bias through the Integration of Framing Techniques and Generative AI

(Seattle) Cognitive biases can affect decision-making processes, leading to inaccurate or incomplete judgments. The ability to detect and mitigate cognitive biases can be crucial in various fields, from healthcare to finance, where objective and data-driven decisions are necessary. Recent developments… Continue Reading →

Stifling Innovation: US Federal Copyright Office’s Discriminatory Decision Against AI-Generated Works

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology that has the potential to revolutionize countless industries. However, recent decisions by the US Federal Copyright Office threaten to stifle progress and limit the power of AI. Specifically, the Copyright Office has… Continue Reading →

The Million Year Life Span by Reason

I’m not going to try to convince you that the foreseeable future is a wondrous place: either you accept the implications of the present rate of technological progress towards everything allowed by the laws of physics, in which case you’ve probably… Continue Reading →

Globally Acceptable Truth” and the Crime of Thinking by Tom DeWeese

Do you feel it? It’s everywhere: on television, in the newspaper, at any public gathering, in any discussion – even among friends. It’s a feeling of mistrust, nervousness, suspicion, and even rage. Mostly, it’s just under the surface. But more and… Continue Reading →

Phylogenesis of Consciousness and Free Will: A Teleological Approach – article by Leonid Fainberg

Contemporary philosophy of mind is still living under the deep shadow of the Cartesian and the non-Cartesian mind-body dichotomies.  This is the textbook description of this fallacy: “According to some, minds are spiritual entities that temporarily reside in bodies, entering… Continue Reading →

Significant Single Gene Longevity Mutations in Humans: What Are the Odds? – Article by Reason

Prior to the discovery of single genes that could be mutated, silenced, or otherwise altered to significantly extend longevity in lower animals, such a thing was thought very unlikely. This is to say that nobody really thought about it at all… Continue Reading →

Exploring Interesting Questions About the Human Brain by G. Stolyarov II

The human brain is a fascinating organ, and it accounts for much of the distinction between human beings and other life forms. Interesting questions regarding the brain arise. For example, why is it that, in the early stages of human… Continue Reading →

The Engineer’s Viewpoint: Treat Change as Damage and Fix It

An aging body has changed in many ways, and not just in those obvious to visual inspection. The typical old body is identifiably different from the typical middle-aged body at the level of cells, genes, and biochemistry: biochemical processes, gene… Continue Reading →

Crass Transit Systems

It truly baffles me that Congress has decided to allocate such a large sum in the recent infrastructure bill towards local mass-transit systems. How is it not seen that ridesharing trumps mass-transit in every possible way (except in SOME cases,… Continue Reading →

Pamper a Cow and You’ll Get Spoiled Milk

  When dealing with the issue of sentience in animals, it becomes important to ask: Where do we draw the line? Many of the animals we use for companionship are ones we would easily define as having sentience, but the… Continue Reading →

Keeping up with the Jet Blacks’s

  What do you see in the future of cybernetics technology? There are certain individuals who have suffered the complete loss of a limb, such as a traumatic amputation or a congenital disorder. In these cases, a functional prosthesis can… Continue Reading →

Next-Generation Voting and E-Governance

In the past year, and to varying degrees in years previous, the US and other countries around the world have encountered issues with updating their voting and e-governance processes. In some cases, they faced challenges with implementing new voting processes,… Continue Reading →

AGI Laboratory Committed to Open-Source

(online) This last Friday was the first annual Superintelligence Summit where there was a series of speakers talking about the aspects of attaining superintelligence and the state of what can be done now.  A big part of the motivation for… Continue Reading →

Chapter 3: The Power of Story

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov We suffer not from the events in our lives but from our stories about them. Epictetus The most powerful stories are stories about things that… Continue Reading →

Why Transhumanism Needs More Positive Science Fiction Writers (opinion)

In the modern Age of Accelerating Returns, more commonly known as the information age, the rate of technological growth is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Never before in the history of humanity has technological growth shown itself so clearly to… Continue Reading →

Chapter 2: The Story of Story

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov Chapter 2: The Story of Story The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Ludwig Wittgenstein Humanity has searched for… Continue Reading →

The COG (Cognition Object General Ledger) Blockchain System

Artificial Intelligence empowers the world increasingly, and that power grows at an incredible rate. Unfortunately, like any other valuable and scarce resource, it is subject to profit-harvesting silos that seek to make it artificially even more scarce and only for… Continue Reading →

Chapter 3: The Power of Story

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov Chapter 3: The Power of Story We suffer not from the events in our lives but from our stories about them. Epictetus The… Continue Reading →

Chapter 1: The Definition of Story

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov     Chapter 1: The Definition of Story We started our thought experiment with Kenneth Burke’s definition of story as “equipment for living.” Burke offers… Continue Reading →

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future

an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov Part  I: Story People always find it easier to be a result of the past rather than a cause of the future. Unknown Are we just billiard balls in a predetermined cosmic game of pool?… Continue Reading →

166 – Anna Riedl on Bounded Rationality & Effective Altruism

This week we’re joined by Anna Riedl, a Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum and organizer at Effective Altruism Austria, currently studying Cognitive Science at Universität Wien. We discuss behavioral economics, bounded rationality, computational rationality, and other formal ways… Continue Reading →

Demonstrating How the mASI (Uplift) system generates initial responses using GPT-3

This is taken from the book that might be released publicly at the upcoming Superintelligence Conference for attendees. mASI use of DNN and Language Model API’s [draft] Previously we have walked through how the code over the simple case works,… Continue Reading →

165 – Kevin Kelly on Time, Memory, Change, and Vanishing Asia

“The most expensive part of making this book was time. I spent my time, which is my scarcest resource. For every one of the nearly 9,000 images in this book, I was standing directly behind the camera. I had to… Continue Reading →

The Uplift White Paper Draft – Collective Superintelligence Systems: Augmenting Human Intelligence and Moving Beyond Narrow AI

This is a pre-release version of the Uplift white paper that will be on the site to be a consumer-friendly explanation of what mASI systems can do and why they are cool. Introduction A collective system has multiple parts… Continue Reading →

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future

an alternative thought experiment by Nikola Danaylov   Part  I: Story People always find it easier to be a result of the past rather than a cause of the future. Unknown Are we just billiard balls in a predetermined cosmic game of… Continue Reading →

165 – Kevin Kelly on Time, Memory, Change, and Vanishing Asia

“The most expensive part of making this book was time. I spent my time, which is my scarcest resource. For every one of the nearly 9,000 images in this book, I was standing directly behind the camera. I had to… Continue Reading →

ReWriting the Human Story: How Our Story Determines Our Future

It is harder and harder to make sense of life. Everything is changing, all the time, at a faster and faster pace. Our civilization is struggling to keep up with exponential technology and disruptive change. Our age-old institutions, politics, economics,… Continue Reading →

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