I felt moved to write this post after seeing an article about the futility of Transhumanists standing in elections. As it happens I have already written a chapter addressing questions of strategy for the developing Transhumanist Party, but thought I’d… Continue Reading →
A few years ago, the first emotional robot pet hit the market. Designed by the co-inventor of Furby, Pleo the Dinosaur is an adorable little beast, big eyes and feet, curious and playful and a little awkward… just like a baby… Continue Reading →
If the title of this blog [Editorial note: referring to Daniels Blog not t.net] struck you as brash, I came by it honestly: it’s the title of a terrific new paper by three NYU researchers (Protzko, Aronson & Blair, 2013). The… Continue Reading →
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and… Continue Reading →
Why should we think and act objectively? Why is it better than thinking and acting subjectively? Should we encourage other people to think objectively? Are there problems in thinking objectively? If I were to ask the reader the question, ‘Is… Continue Reading →
Cadell Last is an evolutionary anthropologist at the Global Brain Institute and producer of the PBS Digital Studios series The Advanced Apes. In our recent email correspondence we discussed the possibility that our entire planet is waking up as a single super-intelligent organism,… Continue Reading →
This is an update on progress from the Transhumanist Party, but not a dry technical report. Instead, this is the first in what I intend to be a new style of message, combining news of our activity with the bigger… Continue Reading →
We live in an era where the speed of technological advances has far exceed the rate of individual’s adaptation and learning abilities. To avoid a fatal outcome, researchers and developers of computer technology must cultivate a human-centered paradigm. It is… Continue Reading →
“To understand ourselves, we must embrace the alien.” – PZ Meyers, octopus neuroscientist As discussed in Biomimicry and the Design Revolution, our species is learning to consult the natural world for evolved solutions to contemporary human problems. This paradigm shift – commonly… Continue Reading →
Mention the word “transhumanism” to most of my friends, and they will assume you mean uploading people into a computer. Transcendence typically connotes an escape from the trappings of this world — from the frailty of our bodies, the evolutionary… Continue Reading →
The influence of religion was once thunder in the ears of man. It was all pervasive, telling men when to work the fields and when to rest, when to express compassion and when to kill. In the proper context of… Continue Reading →
A brief review of existing visions for alternative political systems Introduction Last year’s establishment of the Transhumanist Party in the u.s. has sparked much activity in Europe towards the same goal, and it seems likely that the trend will… Continue Reading →
Rise to Meet the Enemies at the Gates: Join the Battle against Disease and Death A lot of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers have prepared and gone through the fire of war. This happened time and time again over the centuries…. Continue Reading →
Quantum Archaeology (QA) is the controversial science of resurrecting the dead including their memories. It assumes the universe is made of events and the laws that govern them, and seeks to make maps of brain/body states to the instant of… Continue Reading →
A conference on “Transhuman Superpowers and Longevity” will be held at Humanist Hall in Oakland, on July 12, 2015, from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Speakers will talk about our radical future, with copious time for Q & A’s and audience… Continue Reading →
We of the robot/technology nerd demo are well aware of the non-ironically, ironically named HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) exoskeletal suit developed by Professor Yoshiyuki Sankai’s also totally not meta-ironically named Cyberdyne, Inc. Since its 2004 founding in Tsukuba City, just… Continue Reading →
Although the Oculus Rift, the most greatly anticipated virtuality headset still seems many months away from releasing to consumers, there’s no stopping startups from innovating the VR experience by creating new products that are making the experience seem all more real…. Continue Reading →
(editors note: ok enough about sending me complaints, t.net is about looking at all transhumanist topics as long as they are not offensive and some what logical and Christian transhumanist material is reasonable, if you want to see other topics stop complaining… Continue Reading →
“It was sunny in Los Angeles, I was working the afternoon shift…” Joe Friday’s voice said that, in my dream. I came out of a trance. The Amtrak train was pulling into early-morning Flagstaff Arizona hours late, which was a… Continue Reading →
Transhumanism, by definition, is a worldwide cultural and intellectual endeavor that has the end objective of transforming humanity by developing and extensively providing technologies that significantly enhance the intellectual, physical and psychological capacities of human beings. During much of the… Continue Reading →
EDIT: The post below raised some questions, and apparently some minor misunderstandings which I would like to briefly address. If you haven’t read the post below already, I would recommend doing so before reading the note which follows at its… Continue Reading →
Imagine, a life fully immersed inside a computer game where our every desire is fulfilled, and the suffering of reality is absent. One day, we may decide that a virtual existence is a more appealing option than the real world… Continue Reading →
I am advocate for transhumanism, rightly defined. I am certainly not a technophobe who perceives all technology to be bad. In my opinion, human technology – like all matter – is a tool that can be used for good or… Continue Reading →
In this essay I would like to reflect on Eastern and Western philosophy, their definition of enlightenment, and their connection to transhumanist thinking. How may Buddhist concepts like ‘Bodhi’ and the ‘Maitreya’ relate to the Western ‘Enlightenment’, human enhancement, and… Continue Reading →
Nootropics are popular in our circles, but in my opinion there isn’t a non-prescription substance on the market right now that is staggeringly apparent in its effects. You know; something like the pill on the movie Limitless. I’m always on… Continue Reading →
Have you been wondering why issues of femininity have taken a front and center stage lately? Whether if you’re a man or woman, we’ve all been united by Always’ Like A Girl, #ThatOtherShirt, CBS news stories on transgender children, and most… Continue Reading →
info: 1. Transhumanism is a verb. 2. Transcendence is a human right. 3. Technology relevant to that right will be laid bare for all to see. 4. Anon science is the way of the transhuman future. 5. Nobody is coming… Continue Reading →
With special guests including Zoltan Istvan (Futurist and SciFi Author) this event will be an interactive immersive day of future technology, demos, XR related technology, device bar, touch wall and info on emerging trends and what that means for the future… Continue Reading →
The Transhumanist Party represents a new branch of the Transhumanist movement, and as such is now taking the first steps in a long journey. Here at the beginning, we have the opportunity to consider how our movement will be organised,… Continue Reading →
This article doesn’t need any of the special categories or explanations – the two classifications are pretty self explanatory. Let’s jump right in. Arms: The most recent advancements in bionic arms seem to be included in the BeBionic prosthetic arms…. Continue Reading →
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