Human enhancement and Transhumanism are common topics for futurists, and the two terms are often treated as if they’re interchangeable. While there is certainly overlap between the two concepts, and by definition a Transhuman would have to be the beneficiary of Human enhancement, does Human enhancement automatically make you Transhuman? If Human beings choose to enhance or otherwise modify themselves with future technology, at what point could they no longer be thought of as Humans? What difference, if any, is there between an enhanced Human and a Transhuman? Does simply receiving an enhancement, any enhancement, render you no longer Human?
In my humble opinion, the answer is obviously no. Most of us in the
developed world have been vaccinate multiple times in our lives, and
a vaccine is in fact a form of enhancement. It makes their recipients
immune to (often fatal) diseases, increasing their life expectancy.
Are people who have been vaccinated any more or less Human than those
that haven’t? Again, the answer is obviously no. Taking a
vaccine, drug, gene therapy, implant, nanite injection or anything
else to improve your health or performance above average, or even
beyond what any other Human is capable of, does not necessarily make
you Transhuman. To illustrate my point, I will use two pop culture
examples of Human enhancement and post-humanism respectively.
Above,you’ll note the picture of Ethan Hawke in Gattaca. As I’m
sure most of you are aware, Gattaca is a film where the majority of
the population has been genetically enhanced, and those who aren’t
are second class citizens. However, I would not consider the
genetically enhanced people of Gattaca to be Transhuman. The fact
that Ethan Hawke’s character is able to pass for genetically enhanced is proof their society puts
too much stock in genetic determinism. As one character puts it so
pithily, “My son wasn’t everything they promised me he’d
be,”. I don’t believe in genetic determinism, so I’m skeptical about the ability of genetic modification to solve psychological and social problems. I also believe that genetic
engineering will be far more limited than some of the more optimistic futurists have predicted.
Most Human traits are polygenic, meaning influenced by many different
genes. Individual genes can also regulate multiple functions. The
implication is that in most cases you’ll have to alter many
different genes to produce a noticeable result, and since those genes
affect other functions as well you’ll likely get severe side
effects. The Human body, along with all other living things, is
holistic; a combination of interdependent systems. You can’t
change one thing without affecting everything else. The more radical
genetic alterations are made, the more likely there will be severe
side effects. Elective gene therapy, both in embryos and adults, will
likely be severely limited in the alterations that can be safely
made. I doubt gene therapy could make anyone superhuman.
So what could? I think a major requirement for being post-human would
require an individual to no longer be genetically Human, meaning they
cannot produce a fertile offspring with a Human being. That being
said, genetic enhancement would only make you post-human if it made
you unable to breed with other Humans. I’m not a geneticist,
but I’m fairly certain that such radical genetic alterations
would be fatal.
Let’s say that you received gene therapy to block myostatin production,
making you like young Liam Hoekstra, who naturally possesses the
gene. Well he’s still Human, and you would be too. Muscles
don’t make you more or less Human, either genetically or
philosophically. No matter what genetic enhancements a person had, so
long as they could produce children with a Human being, than they
would still be genetically Human. (I don’t want to get into the
complex issue of how certain artificial methods of reproduction could
create chimeras, so I’m going by the traditional definition of
But is being a genetic member of the species Homo sapiens
sufficient criteria for being identified as Human? Would someone who
was just a Human brain in an otherwise wholly cybernetic body still
be Human, since they could be cloned from a neuron? Genetically
perhaps, but I believe that such a being would no longer be
philosophically Human.
Above, I’ve put a picture of Doctor Manhattan,
who in my opinion is unquestionably post-human. His abilities not
only exceed those of ordinary Human beings, but those that could
conceivably be offered by genetic or cybernetic enhancements. He’s
immortal and indestructible, apparently capable of taking a stroll on
the surface of the sun. He can reassemble himself on the atomic
level, so even having his atoms wretched apart can’t kill him.
Manhattan can “bend matter to his will”, although
apparently he doesn’t have the ability to constructively alter
a Human body i.e. cure cancer. This doesn’t really make sense
to me, especially since he later claims that he has the ability to
create life. He can teleport himself and others at least as far as
Mars, though he does claim that he can travel to other galaxies. He
can duplicate himself, then re-merge with his doppelgangers (what
exactly he’s doing here, I have no idea). He can grow to at
least the size of a skyscraper, though we never see him shrink
smaller than about six foot six. Then again, why would he want too?
He apparently doesn’t need to eat or drink or sleep, though in
a conversation with Laurie he implies he can eat. Though we’re
never told what his senses are like, he does say that he can view
matter at the sub-atomic level. However, when he’s chasing
Adrien at New Karnac, he says he’ll have to turn the walls to
glass in order to see him, so he obviously can’t see through
walls. Finally and perhaps most importantly, he’s prescient,
which has made him rather fatalistic.
I’m going to adopt Wil McCarthy’s explanation
of what Doctor Manhattan is; a bubble in the Zero Point Field
with John Osterman’s atomic pattern imprinted on it (although
obviously his physique has been “enhanced”). This ZPF
bubble draws ambient particles to itself and assembles them into a
corporeal form based on Osterman’s template. His blue glow is
possibly caused by his body leaking electrons, backed up by Laurie’s
statement that kissing him is like licking a battery.
As a side note, Doctor Manhattan’s origins remind me of Wowbanger
the Infinitely Prolonged from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy: Life, The Universe and Everything. Like Manhattan, Wowbanger
was made immortal in a fluke accident, which involved a liquid lunch,
an irrational particle accelerator, and a pair of rubber bands. In
both cases, no one’s ever been able to replicate the exact
conditions of the accident or the results, and many die trying. Life,
The Universe and Everything predates the Watchmen comics by two or
three years, so Douglas Adams did it first.
His extraordinary powers aside, does Doctor Manhattan meet my criteria
for being post-human, either genetically or philosophically? Based on
my assumption on what Doctor Manhattan is, his genetics are
irrelevant. His blue-prints are encoded not on DNA, but on a bubble
in the Zero Point Field. His body arranges himself according to that
template. His genes are merely vestigial, along with most of his
Human anatomy. I don’t know if Manhattan is genetically
identical to Osterman, but I will assume that he is, and their
physical differences (muscles, height, hair, and presumably penis
size) are due to other factors.
It’s not mentioned if Manhattan ever had any children, and since that
would be fairly significant I think it’s safe to assume he
doesn’t. When the attempt to create other Manhattans with the
Intrinsic Field Generator failed, surely someone must have tried to
talk Manhattan into attempting to reproduce the old fashion way,
either by donating sperm or attempting to impregnate either Jamie or
Laurie if they were willing. Since Manhattan did everything else the
government told him, I see no reason why he wouldn’t go along
with this. The question here is why did it fail?
Since I presume Manhattan is still genetically John Osterman, the cause
must be non-genetic. Most likely, the electrons shooting off from
Manhattan’s glowing blue sperm somehow disrupted either the
conception or the early development of the zygote. This is a bit of a
stretch, since we know John’s radiation is not actually harmful
to adult Humans, but maybe it’s strong enough to kill a zygote.
Whatever the problem was, if it could somehow be overcome, I predict
that the child would be John Osterman’s offspring and not
Manhattan’s. It would be completely Human and inherit none of
Manhattan’s powers, since those are not genetic. So even though
John Osterman can still breed with Humans, Doctor Manhattan can’t.
He’s not just genetically different from us, he has completely
transcended genetics. Therefore, he is genetically a post-human
As for the issue of whether or not he is philosophically Human, the
answer to that is made clear in both the comics and the film
adaptation. In both incarnations, Manhattan’s powers are
depicted as isolating him from Humanity. These powers affect his
thoughts and behaviors. He can no longer relate with Humans, or
understand them. His nudity is supposed to be symbolic of this (in
the comics his penis was a lot less enviable, but whatever). His
withdrawal from Humanity is most poignantly expressed when he states
that there is no relevant difference between a live Human body and a
dead one. He sometimes confuses the future and the present, such as
when he told Laurie to say hi to Dan from him, forgetting that Laurie
hadn’t actually asked him out to dinner yet. He can also forget
fairly simple things about Human beings, such as our need for oxygen.
I interpret his sometimes cryptic speech as his attempt at
articulating thoughts which are beyond Human comprehension into Human
language. In a philosophical sense, I define post-human powers not
merely as exceeding Human abilities, but as inevitably changing the
thoughts and behaviors of their recipients to the point that they no
longer think or act like a Human, and find that they can longer
relate to Human beings. I don’t think I can define exactly what
it means to be Human in a philosophical sense, so I’m not
exactly sure what these powers would be.
In conclusion, a person who receives an enhancement that does not a)
alter their genome to the point that they can no longer breed with
Humans, and/or b) eventually change their thoughts and behavior to
the point that they no longer thought or acted like a Human, cannot
really be considered Transhuman. So if you breed like a Human, think
like a Human, act like a Human, and quack like a Human, but just do
it better than most Humans, than you are merely an enhanced Human,
not a post-human.
But for anyone who wishes to be more than an enhanced Human and become a
Transhuman, I think Doctor Manhattan sets a fine cautionary example.
In spite of his god-like powers, he’s sad. His post-human
nature isolates him from others. Completely transcending Human
limitations didn’t make Doctor Manhattan happy. Arguably he was
happier as John Osterman. Maybe the only thing that’s stopping
you from being happy is your distaste for the flesh and a longing for
superhuman powers. Imagine how great your disappointment would be if
transcending Humanity didn’t actually make you any happier.
We’re all stuck as mere mortals for the foreseeable future, so
we might as well try to make the best of it.
* insert image used from
* insert image used from
* highlight image used from
September 26, 2014 at 3:35 pm
archived comments:
Can you have one without the other?
By Ken on May 02, 2013 at 6:59am
I have to say that I disagree with your claim that genetic engineering won’t be able to make significant improvements in humans. Yes, figuring out how to make major changes without negitive side effects is going to be a hard problem that is going to require a much deeper level of understanding of how DNA works then we have now, requiring an ability to actually create a computer model that could correctly predict the effects of a DNA modification before actually creating the organism, but it’s probably a problem we’re going to solve eventually. Fundamentally, DNA is a series of instructions, where a specific set of DNA instructions acts in a quite predictable way to have a quite predictable result.
In the short run, I would agree with you that GATTACA style modifications are more likely (choosing genes that we already know work in humans, basically just removing the random factors from the reproductive process), but in the long run the possibilities are endless. Also, don’t underestimate the effect of even GATTACA style upgrades; yes, we will only be able to enhance people to a “natural” level, but if hundreds of thousands of people started having Einstein-level intelligence it would change our society forever.
By Yosarian on May 05, 2013 at 8:22am