Legalese – Privacy Policy, Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Applications are offered as per the appropriate marketplace based on the purchase process in the associated marketplace which may include free. Applications may be revoked by those marketplaces and may be removed w/o reason however to the best of my ability I’ll work to not allow that to happen. User information is not collected as per Privacy Policy for more information.
Application Privacy Policy Information that is Gathered
In common with other applications, log files, user information and the like unless explicitly stated in an application and approved by the user are NOT stored or cached or collected in any way including details such as the visitor’s IP address, browser type, referring page and time of visit. As a rule, my applications use and store information only on the user’s system or in the users roaming profile provided by the device or account and not accessible to us in any way. Users data belongs to the user and not ours and therefore not collected. Since I’m strongly against the miss use of information like this I do my best to protect users of my applications the same way I would want my information protected.
How the Information is used
User information is used by my applications only in the context of the applications and not shared by the application in any way. Whiles users may choose to share content a user would have to specifically do that with intent and not done automatically by users and generally that is still regarding the sharing of application data and not anything specific to the user that can be shared. E-mail addresses will not every be sold, rented, leased or viewable to 3rd parties or anyone else by me and as a rule apps don’t collect this information. Parchment Apps do at times use Advertising controls that may collect generic information about location or preferences used by the application but not user specific information. If you find evidence that this is not the case please contact me so we can review this and approach Microsoft about how their advertising control working and that I can remove it from the applications. In some cases, applications will use live id for authentication purposes only to the point of uniquely identifying users. For example, application users live id’s are used to identify data that it is posting to a public web service so users can have others subscribe to an interchange application communication sessions. But the live id account information is not stored or used on the service other than the user name for data interchange between two sessions and not persisted to disk.
Medical Advice
There is no medical advice on this site. Nothing published here should be construed as such. This or any post or information is not medical advice. No warranty is given about the correctness of material on this site. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
Information Quality
Some information on this site may create an unreasonable risk for readers who choose to apply or use the information in their own activities or to promote the information for use by third parties. None of the authors, contributors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with this site, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from this site. Please take all steps necessary to ascertain that information you receive from this site is correct and has been verified. Double-check all information with independent sources. If a post contains suggestions regarding dangerous, illegal or unethical activities, remember that anyone can post this information on this site. The authors may not be qualified to provide you with complete information or to inform you about adequate safety precautions and other measures to prevent injury, or other damage to your person, property or reputation. If you need specific advice (for example, medical, legal, financial, marital or risk management) please seek a professional licensed or knowledgeable in that area. All information found on the site is without any implied warranty of fitness for any purpose or use whatsoever.
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