the future of humanity now

Tag biohacking

Upgrade 2021 – The Virtual Biohacking Conference

On May 8th, 2021, learn from some of the world’s best biohacking minds how to live better, starting at the cellular level LEARN PRACTICAL METHODS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR DAILY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. This one-day event has something for… Continue Reading →

Biohacking the Body to Produce Brown Fat

“Biohacking is a fairly new practice that could lead to major changes in our life. You could it call citizen or do-it-your-self biology. It takes place in small labs — mostly non-university — where all sorts of people get together… Continue Reading →

Launching the Church of Transhumanism?

(2 MAR 2017) Seattle, WA – Amal DT Graffstra CEO of launched a campaign on gofundme to start a ‘Transhumanist Church’.  While this is not a uni-formally supported idea and goes outside of the more academic areas of the… Continue Reading →

“If Eternal Life Becomes a Medical Possibility, I Will Have It Because I am a Tech Pirate”

I’d say most Grinders [DIY biohackers] are interested in life extension, but it hasn’t been a primary focus of the community. It is an intricate topic. There was talk for a while about the effects of IGF-1, and we have… Continue Reading →

Helix: Death or Immortality via Biohacking?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] In a plot that questions the depth of humanity and its limitations, the SyFy-aired TV series Helix left nowhere to breathe as it consistently challenged the next evolutionary steps us human beings will take via advanced technology:… Continue Reading →

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