the future of humanity now


Media Theorist Douglas Rushkoff on Team Human

Douglas Rushkoff has been named one of the world’s ten most influential intellectuals by MIT. He is an award-winning author, broadcaster, media theorist and documentarian who studies human autonomy in the digital age. Rushkoff is the host of the popular Team Human podcast… Continue Reading →

132 – Erik Davis on Perturbations in the Reality Field

This week’s guest is author, culture critic, and philosopher of the weird Erik Davis, whose work has been one of my main inspirations for almost ten years. His latest work of epic scholarship, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience… Continue Reading →

Episode 61: long-term high-impact ‘outside the box’ thinking computationally leverage existing…

Welcome to The Technocracy! The news podcast answering the single most important question: What are the most important trends and news, from the standpoint of the Machine? Where we remove humanity from the loop and let the machine and other… Continue Reading →

Transhumanist Manifesto Inspires WIRED Article on Transhumanism

A couple of weeks ago Joi Ito – head of the MIT Media Lab and contributor to WIRED Magazine, interviewed me about my Transhumanist Manifesto and related topics such as life-extension, immortality, cryonics, speciesism, and ethics. Some people have said that this is the best… Continue Reading →

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