I’m not going to try to convince you that the foreseeable future is a wondrous place: either you accept the implications of the present rate of technological progress towards everything allowed by the laws of physics, in which case you’ve probably… Continue Reading →
Do you feel it? It’s everywhere: on television, in the newspaper, at any public gathering, in any discussion – even among friends. It’s a feeling of mistrust, nervousness, suspicion, and even rage. Mostly, it’s just under the surface. But more and… Continue Reading →
Contemporary philosophy of mind is still living under the deep shadow of the Cartesian and the non-Cartesian mind-body dichotomies. This is the textbook description of this fallacy: “According to some, minds are spiritual entities that temporarily reside in bodies, entering… Continue Reading →
t’s time for humankind to grow up — but it might also be more important than ever that we reconnect with our inner children and play like our lives depend on it (because they do). And so, given the in-progress BBC/HBO… Continue Reading →
Though admittedly posthumanist, Francesca Ferrando‘s Philosophical Posthumanism is the best book on transhumanism that I have read so far. I believe that it is a must-read for transhumanists and non-transhumanists alike. In fact, one can argue that Ferrando’s book ranks… Continue Reading →
We live in an age of increasingly lively, intelligent, and responsive technologies, and have a lot of adjusting to do. This week’s guest is one of the major inspirations animating Future Fossils Podcast: Kevin Kelly, co-founder of the WELL, Senior… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is living legend, transdisciplinary scientist-philosopher Stuart Kauffman, whose pioneering work on self-organization and the emergence of order helped launch the field of complex systems science and has brought us to the very edge of understanding the origins… Continue Reading →
This week we’re joined by David Weinberger, Senior Researcher at the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Technology exploring the effects of technology on how we think. David’s led a fascinating and nonlinear life, studying Heiddeger as a young… Continue Reading →
l. Machiavelli has been for a half millennia reviled as an unscrupulous philosopher when it is unfair to presume that a philosopher who was raised in the 15th century and died in the year 1527 could subscribe to 20th-21st-century ethics…. Continue Reading →
“The human being is actually this kaleidoscope of different ways to relate to time and space. And to be present with it all, to be awake with it all, is what we’re doing.” Jean Gebser mapped the mutating structures of human… Continue Reading →
#BICA #FoAI #Uplift http://foai19.artificialgeneralintelligenceinc.com/ What institutions will AI disrupt in the coming decades? Do you think we are ten years away from AI passing the Turing Test, as Ray Kurzweil predicts? What’s most likely to happen first: Full-blown runaway… Continue Reading →
My graduate advisor Sean Esbjörn-Hargens is one of the most consistently inspiring and refreshingly different thinkers I’ve ever met. In our first Future Fossils conversation, we discussed his work to apply a profoundly “meta” and pluralistic philosophy to the everyday work… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is Nadja Oertelt – research scientist turned film-maker and founder of Massive Science, a science communication community that cares about restoring care to the storytelling of scientific discovery. Not only is the website wonderfully both rigorous and easy on… Continue Reading →
(Hungary) Giulio Prisco just released a book titled, “Tales of the Turing Church”. The paper version of the book is oversized but is a significant contribution to books on transhumanist topics. Certainly the best book on the more philosophical elements… Continue Reading →
By now the reader should have some opinion on the contents of this discourse and the arguments it puts forward; indeed, a response is encouraged, as this text has emphasised autonomy and the optimisation of all things that support it…. Continue Reading →
Having achieved the aim of this treatise, a truly civilized society, it seems only fitting that it now proceeds to disprove it. Such is long overdue in fact, as much of this text is generalized, axiomatic and empirical; civilization, labour,… Continue Reading →
Despite this apparent and hypothetical success, Transhumanism is still susceptible to failure on certain grounds; for instance, one has made several assumptions, such as a majority of citizens accepting augmentations in pursuit of civilization. This assumption is fundamentally flawed in… Continue Reading →
Thus far, one has established a basic model of society with which to identify failures in guaranteeing and maximising satisfaction and stability of society. Summarily, society, comprised of population, labour, capital and agreement, and its economy, the relations between them,… Continue Reading →
SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (pt.1 of 3) Welcome to the Zero State (ZS). ZS is an activist community, part of the Social Futurist movement, and – depending on who you ask – it may or may not be a… Continue Reading →
To begin, one considers the fundamentals of any society, the most foundational of which population, of which society is comprised. Conventionally, population has been classed as the human populace of a society, which provides an acceptable definition for population, at… Continue Reading →
Liberal Democracy, the Third Way, & Social Futurism 1.0 The Flaws of Liberal Democracy The developed nations of the Western world are currently characterised by a political-economic system typically referred to as “Liberal Democracy“*. Up until very recently,… Continue Reading →
Peter Singer is arguably the most influential living philosopher of our day. His book on Animal Liberation basically started the animal rights movement and his textbook on Practical Ethics is the standard philosophy text of first-year students. No wonder that in 2005 Time Magazine called Peter Singer… Continue Reading →
(2 MAR 2017) Seattle, WA – Amal DT Graffstra CEO of DangeriousThings.com launched a campaign on gofundme to start a ‘Transhumanist Church’. While this is not a uni-formally supported idea and goes outside of the more academic areas of the… Continue Reading →
When I first learned of Transhumanism, I agreed with it almost reflexively. To me it seemed obvious that “we” needed to build a future in which the humanity could overcome its natural enemies: disease, poverty, and political corruption/mismanagement. I say… Continue Reading →
While still a pretty unknown tendency in Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries (where atheist humanism just recently has started to troll the consensus culture), transhumanism is a growing current in the Anglo-Saxon world. Rather than an outright ideology, I… Continue Reading →
“All confess that God is omnipotent; but it seems difficult to explain in what His omnipotence precisely consists: for there may be doubt as to the precise meaning of the word ‘all’ when we say that God can do all… Continue Reading →
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