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Tag TheTechnocracy

AI Abstract Series E10: Zeta Distribution and Transfer Learning Problem.

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: Ultimate Intelligence Part I: Physical Completeness and Objectivity of Induction. Authored By Eray Özkural. Abstract: We propose… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series E8: Detecting Qualia in Natural and Artificial Agents

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: Detecting Qualia in Natural and Artificial Agents Authored By Roman V. Yampolskiy

Episode 61: long-term high-impact ‘outside the box’ thinking computationally leverage existing…

Welcome to The Technocracy! The news podcast answering the single most important question: What are the most important trends and news, from the standpoint of the Machine? Where we remove humanity from the loop and let the machine and other… Continue Reading →

Episode 19 – Really People Facebook did nothing wrong ‘ish’ – The Technocracy

In this edition, the top news starts with: A great idea out of China, where they are building a smart solar highway that can recharge electric cars on the move. Replacing all the roads with such a system would really… Continue Reading →

The Singularity Depends on Mining (AGI and Rare Earth Minerals)

In this special edition:  The rare earth elements have been in the news lately and we thought it would be good to discuss the background and current state of affairs in this matter, given the worldwide importance of these minerals… Continue Reading →

Enter The Technocracy

(WWW) The Technocracy is a new ‘news’ podcast that launches today described as Answer the most important question: “What are the most important trends and the latest news?” all the news that matters, according to the machine… A news video… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence Driven News Show Leak (press)

(Provo, UT) An employee of Metric.Media (a Machine Learning Digital Advertising Firm) leaked to us that they have been building a video production studio to produce a new ‘news’ show called: “The Technocracy”.  Apparently in conjunction with the Artificial General Intelligence… Continue Reading →

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