What are the Transhuman Goals in the near future?
How can these Transhuman ideas permeate the mainstream?
Are there ways Transhumanism can assert itself in the political sphere?
How can Transhumanist ideas and innovations create a better world now, for billions of people on Earth?
Brighter Brains Institute is producing a “Transhuman Strategies” conference to explore these topics. The event is March 21, 2015, at Prospect Silicon Valley, in San Jose.
The conference begins with a “Meet & Greet” session from 12:15 – 1:00 pm, followed by speakers from 1:00 – 5:00. After the conference, participants will be encouraged to continue the discussion at a nearby bar (location announced at the event).
The cost to attend the mini-conferences is only $20; only $15 for students, seniors, and people who travel more than 50 miles to get there. Tickets on sale at EventBrite HERE.
Facebook Page HERE
The venue is at 1608 Las Palmas Road, at ProspectSV, a new beautiful facility. (see photo above) Capacity of the room is Only 100 Seats, so buy your tickets early to guarantee attendance. There is abundant parking nearby. If you’re arriving via public transportation, you can catch a taxi from CalTrain, or jump on a bus.
The Speaker List includes:
- Riva Melissa-Tez – Philosopher and Lecturer
- Zoltan Istvan – 2016 US Presidential candidate of Transhumanist Party
- John Smart – Acceleration Techno-Optimist
- Peter Rothman – Editor of Hplusmagazine.com
- Maria Konovalenko & Mikhail Batin – Immortality Activists
- RU Sirius & Jay Cornell – “Trancendence” Transhumanism Encyclopedia Authors
- Hank Pellissier – TransHumanitarian
12:15 Meet and Greet
1:00 Emcee Introduction
1:25 John Smart “Eight Skills of Foresight Development”
1:50 Maria Konovalenko & Mikhail Batin “Main Strike”
2:15 Peter Rothman
2:40 BREAK
3:00 RU Sirius & Jay Cornell “Transhumanist Culture and Techno-Optimism”
3:25 Zoltan Istvan “Politics, Media Outreach, my presidential campaign”
3:50 Riva Melissa-Tez
4:15 Hank Pellissier “Tranhumanitarian projects”
4:30 Panel
“100% Food” – a delicious DIY Soylent product – will be available at the venue for a minimal price. The recent anthology, “Transcendence: the Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism and the Singularity” will be available in signed copies by the authors. Two USA Presidential candidates – Zoltan Istvan (2016) Transhumanist Party, and RU Sirius (2000) Revolution Party – will discuss political strategies. Opportunities on how to get involved in forward-thinking strategies will be introduced and topics like Radical Life Extension, The Singularity, Artificial Intelligence will be presented with cutting edge data.

Riva Melissa-Tez studied Philosophy at University College London. She successfully created two companies before she turned 22, a children’s store in London and, whilst in Germany, a creative digital platform for kids. She is the founder of Berlin Singularity, a group focusing on bringing emerging technology discussions to mainland Europe. Through her efforts with Berlin Singularity, she helped build a consultancy group working with early-stage biotech companies to connect them to funding. She has held teaching positions at the DAB and HTW business schools in Germany, where she encouraged students to use their skills towards humanity’s grandest challenges. Riva was a 2014 Apple Spokesperson on Emerging Technology. Now residing in San Francisco, she’s looking into innovative financial models that support long-term thinking, researching new investment vehicles to channel intelligent capital into transformative technologies. Riva is a regular columnist for The European Magazine and has guest-presented on funding emerging technologies at Oxford, Stanford and Yale.

Zoltan Istvan is a writer, futurist, and philosopher. He is the founder the Transhumanist Party and is its 2016 US Presidential candidate. He writes transhumanist-themed columns for Psychology Today, Vice’s Motherboard and The Huffington Post. He also worked as a reporter for the National Geographic Channel and his writings have appeared in Slate, Outside, The San Francisco Chronicle and websites of Wired UK, Gizmodo, and National Geographic. He is the author of The Transhumanist Wager, a philosophical science fiction novel that was a #1 bestseller in Philosophy on Amazon. Istvan and his ideas have been featured on Fox News Channel‘s Stossel show, CNN‘s Inside Man, RT’s television show Desde La Sombra, and the Joe Rogan Experience.

John Smart is a futurist and foresight development consultant. He is CEO of The Foresight Company (Los Gatos, CA), a source for best-in-class industry foresight speakers, trainers, and consultants, and president of the Acceleration Studies Foundation, an organization improving understanding and management of accelerating technological change.John’s expertise is in foresight development. His mission is to help leaders and their organizations develop best-in-class foresight process, and wake up to their incredible potential to foresee and create their preferred future, ahead of everyone else.

Maria Konovalenko is a Biology of Aging PhD student at the University of Southern California and Buck Institute for Research on Aging. She is also Vice President of the Science for Life Extension Foundation in Moscow. She is co-founder of The Longevity Party and a prominent life extension activist. She is also an accomplished writer – in two languages – and a frequent contributor h+magazine.com and IEET.org, penning articles like “A Letter to Sergey Brin”, “There Can Be No Healthy Aging”, and “I Am An Aging Fighter Because Life is the Main Human Right, Demand, and Desire.” Her blog is HERE and her essay on “Transhumanism Strategy” is HERE. She is currently working on a Longevity Cookbook.

Peter Rothman is Editor of H+ Magazine and an engineering and management professional with experience in the design, development and launch of commercial software products, internet services, and other mission critical systems. He was previously chief scientist of a biometrics based fraud prevention company. He led the development of Live365.com, one of the largest providers of streaming audio on the Internet. He operated product development and engineering team for the global multi-million dollar public software company MetaTools/MetaCreations. He founded and operated a startup software company, raised capital, and negotiated eventual sale of company. He has designed and implemented cutting edge software, algorithms, and technologies. Peter’s specialities include biometrics, mathematics, streaming media, virtual reality, simulation, text analysis, data visualization, and artificial intelligence. He authored Friday Brain Food: Steve Omohundro on Self Improving Artificial Intelligence, The Future of Work — The Past and Future of the Desk, Friday Brain Food: Claude Shannon — Father of the Information Age, The Future of Work — Everyone is a Performance Artist, a brief Interview with Natasha Tsakos, Politics and Transhumanism — Interview with Italian Transhumanist MP Giuseppe Vatinno, Friday Brain Food: Internet Rising, and How to Escape the Matrix. Peter earned his B.A. in Mathematics at University of California, Santa Cruz in 1983 and his M.S. in Computer Engineering at University of Southern California in 1989.

RU Sirius (Ken Goffman) is a writer, editor, and well-known digital iconoclast. he was co-publisher of the first popular digital culture magazine, MONDO 2000, from 1989-1993 and coeditor of the popular book, MONDO 2000: A User’s Guide to the New Edge. He has written about technology and culture for Wired, The Village Voice, Salon, BoingBoing, Time, S.F. Chronicle, Rolling Stone, and Esquire, among other publications. He was also the first editor of h+magazine. Sirius/Goffman lectures widely having appeared as part of the Reality Hacking series at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, at the TedX conference in Brussels, and at San Francisco’s popular Dorkbot event. Visit him at StealThisSingularity.com.

Jay Cornell is a writer, editor, web developer, and little-known semi-iconoclast. He is the former managing editor of h+ magazine, and the former associate publisher of Gnosismagazine. He is currently senior web developer at Landkamer Partners, and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Lifeboat Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to defending humanity from existential risks. Email him, but note that spammers and scammers will be found and consumed by swarms of nanobots.

Hank Pellissier is the director of Brighter Brains Institute, and the producer of eight transhumanist conferences in 2013-2015. He is the author of Invent Utopia Now: Transhumanist Suggestions for the Pre-Singularity Era, and Brighter Brains: 225 ways to elevate or injure IQ. He’s written many essays for hplusmagazine.com, ieet.org, and the World Future Society, plus he’s worked as a journalist for Salon.com, NYTimes.com, and GreatSchools.org. In the last year he completed 12 “transhumanitarian” projects in The Philippines and Uganda, establishing health clinics, de-worming children, clothing children, feeding children, and supporting orphanages, schools, libraries, and vocational training centers.
Tickets on sale at EventBrite HERE.
Facebook Page HERE
Questions? contact brighterbrainsinstitute@gmail.com
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