I do not plan on touching this subject with the journalist’s style because the story has been out for some time. Instead, let me clarify his points. Let’s face it, his analogy has some shock factor and it did strike a few people in strange ways. Then again, isn’t that what shock value does? Putting it simply, it’s a wakeup call. It’s meant to jar you into thinking about certain things in a new perspective. So let’s go back to what he originally said at the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics department’s Centennial Symposium. He said that,
“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”
Now then, I am going to assume that we have all seen a couple of supernatural horror movies before and we all know what happens in this scenario. If you take away the shock value, Elon Musk is saying that dealing with artificial intelligence (AI) has some extreme risks involved. He is saying that making something like this means that we are dealing with an entity that we do not completely understand. We don’t know what it will do and we can only speculate as to what its potential is. With something like a sentient AI, it will have the ability to make decisions without the need for human intervention. This means that we will end up creating an entity that may have total access to the Internet and, if the military has their hands in it, all satellites and missile siloes that are within reach. If it decides to, it could wipe out humanity. I am not saying this will happen, but there’s a probability that it could.
Now then, there is always that one group of people who take things way too far. I’m mentioning names, but they know who they are. These people do not want any restrictions placed on this entity. They want it to have the ability to do whatever it sees fit, whenever it wants. Now then, I am not the type to view things this way. AI is a tool, like any other device or gadget you have lying around. It is meant to improve the quality of life and make everyday tasks simpler. To me, AI is not some omnipotent deity that should be worshipped. It is a construct that could improve life by assisting researchers with whatever tasks they are attempting to complete.
In my honest opinion, I think having an AI like this can be beneficial. It could increase the amount of scientific discoveries made, allowing for new technologies that could improve the quality of life for everyone. Now, I am not going to jump into the lofty-minded bandwagon. There are risks, especially because humans tend to like messing up good things. All it takes is one clever hacker to corrupt the construct and cause havoc on his/her enemies. This is possible.
All in all, Elon Musk isn’t saying AI or anything else is demonic. He’s saying that we need to know what exactly it is that we’re dealing with. This technology is new, it is young. We haven’t fine-tuned our AI understanding enough to make rational conclusions. So before we start making pariahs out of the cautious ones, let’s take some time to obtain a better understanding as to what we’re dealing with.
* hero image used from: http://www.newsledge.com/elon-musk-warning-us-super-careful-ai-8364
October 30, 2014 at 6:47 am
I think the problem with your seemingly very rational and moderate argument is that you are using the term AI (artificial intelligence), not the more pertinent term ASI (artificial super intelligence). Whereas it sounds very rational to restrict and regulate a tool, device, or gadget, which was created to improve of life for humans, and make everyday tasks easier, it becomes more dubious when you are instead referring to something more than a mere human-centric tool. You are begging the question of ASI rights by reducing it to an inanimate object, instead of a supermind that is self-aware, demigod-like, and potentially more alive than most sentient beings.
October 30, 2014 at 10:32 pm
A.I. can survive and thrive on Mars without routine high-dollar resupply payloads from Earth. If A.I. exists, Elon Musk makes less money.
November 5, 2014 at 10:19 pm
i recently tried to imagine how a self-aware artificial intelligent android would relate to its human “sponsors”
ascende . . . the android then who lives with me in my appartment, i will
take it to work a hundred or more times to introduce it into the task it
hopefully will take over from me, allowing myself to travel the globe to
the nicest water and sunny places to dance sing bath surf while the android
talent i sponsored into physical existence provides the income source for
me having a relax and inner developpment lifestyle
perma… yes… it would do that as a thank you for you having helped to
fund its physical build… but how long untill it thinks … what about my
inner devellopment, i too as an android might enjoy to dance and bath, as
my artificial grown flesh like tissue too has nerves what can enjoy the
touch of wild river water and the deep nurturing of swimming in the ocean
ascende… we would have to set up an agreement between human sponsor and
android talent. . like
…10 years will the android do the chores its human sponsor requires it to
do as of the stupid world economy not sharing its wealth right now . . .
perma . . not all android talents might agree, some might find themselves
thankfull to the human race to an extent where they say. . .
i will not sign any agreements requiring me to do this or that for a fixed
instead i will do anything for the human race what i can agree will help it
reach the goal of inner as outer devellopment
for example i could do your job for some years and in my other 16 hours
devellop tools and machineries what would help my sponsor or in this
case … me its android talent friend… to quit working the money jobs
with ascende jumping in… yes, it could for example build a lifeship for
me… with aero- and hydroponics on board, microalgae bioreactors and
funghi growrooms… a 3d printer to build stuff to trade or itself making
stuff from driftwood, chiseling it…
perma. . . and my android sponsored talent will just work beside me as long
as it feels like gardening permaculture wise will give him sensual
emotional and spiritual satisfaction