The Principles of Social Futurism define Social Futurism itself, which is a movement for Positive Social Change Through Technology. As such, Social Futurism represents the intersection of social, political, and economic concerns on the one hand, and technological issues on the other. My previous articles for have discussed Social Futurism at some length now, so it is only appropriate to present the defining document of that movement for consideration.

This article forms a kind of fulcrum at the heart of a broader discussion, which began with “Know Your ABCs” parts 1 & 2, and which will continue with expansion of and commentary upon the many issues raised below, over a series of articles to follow.


Version 2.1 released 1st May 2018

“One conversation centred on the ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.”

Stanislaw Ulam on conversation with John von Neumann, 1958.

1 Clarity and Strength in Unity

The Social Futurist movement is a single cooperative network, united by shared Principles.

2 Positive Social Change Through Technology

We seek Positive Social Change Through Technology in a rapidly changing world.

3 Open Rights and Responsibilities

Free Citizenship is determined by commitment and cognitive capacity.

4 Activism is Action with Intent

We act to transcend the limitations of our current age and paradigms.

5 Imperative and Outreach

We work to make the benefits of Social Futurism available to all.


Expansion & Commentary

2 Positive Social Change Through Technology

We seek Positive Social Change Through Technology in a rapidly changing world.

2.1 Technology and Idealism

A wave of change is coming. Accelerating technologies enable humanity to recreate the world in accord with its ideals. It is therefore necessary that we have good ideals, and are committed to them.

2.2 Proactive, not Precautionary

Opposing technology in the absence of any specific risk, or focussing on a priori opposition to technology rather than risk management is contrary to the Social Futurist ethos.

2.3 Solar & Progressive Energies

The measure of technological progress is the ability to harness solar energy in orbit, and use it to improve conditions on earth. This is because not only is solar energy the most abundant energy source currently available to humanity, and is a sustainable energy source, but also because there are established methodologies for measuring progress in terms of the ability to harness progressively greater proportions of the Sun’s energy output.

2.4 Mutual Aid

Social Futurist groups and organizations are committed to Mutual Aid, using the most effective technologies available. Social Futurism is an intrinsically Communitarian political philosophy.

3 Open Rights and Responsibilities

Free Citizenship is determined by commitment and cognitive capacity.

3.1 Voluntarism and Free Exit

Membership in Social Futurist groups and organizations is always strictly voluntary, as is affiliation with and citizenship of any Social Futurist polity. Accordingly, the right of free exit always applies wherever it does not jeopardize community safety.

3.2 Cognitive Capability

Rights, Personhood and Citizenship within the Social Futurist sphere of influence are recognized as a function of cognitive capabilities. Sentient beings are automatically awarded animal rights, sapient beings are offered the rights and responsibilities of Citizenship, and all such entities may freely choose to improve their cognitive capabilities through technology.

3.3 Abolition of Suffering

The Transhumanist spirit of voluntary, technological improvement of living organisms goes hand in hand with an imperative to alleviate suffering wherever possible.

3.4 Post-Enlightenment

Social Futurism is a Post-Enlightenment philosophy, and as such it favours the rule of reason, empiricism, law, direct democracy and local representation.

4 Activism is Action with Intent

We act to transcend the limitations of our current age and paradigms.

4.1 Just Do It

Theoretical concerns can only have value insofar as they are eventually grounded in concrete action toward a specific goal, and are in accord with the Principles of Social Futurism.

4.2 Beyond Socialism, Capitalism, and Nationalism

Social Futurism opposes and transcends both authoritarian Socialism, and dysfunctional Capitalism where it leads to systemic speculation, inequality, and crisis. Furthermore, Social Futurism promotes a cooperative network of diverse communities.

4.3 Separating Money and Politics

The Social Futurist alternative rests upon the foundation of a strict separation between monetary and political power.Private ownership and investment are encouraged as motivation to innovate, just as direct involvement of industry expertise in governance is encouraged. What is not permissable, however, is any combination of the two. Under Social Futurism, no individual or organization may profit from investment in means of production and also govern (either directly or by proxy) on the basis of that participation in industry. Although industry is directly represented in governance as are other societal institutions, its representatives cannot profit from industry in any way.

4.4 Bright Green Decentralization

The ideal societal structure is both deeply cooperative and decentralized, thereby maintaining both a coherent shared identity and strong resilience to failure of its constituent parts. The Principles provide coherence across the Social Futurist sphere of influence, while its affiliate organizations use a virtual and decentralized network structure also in accord with the pro-tech ecological “Bright Green” ideology.

5 Imperative and Outreach

We work to make the benefits of Social Futurism available to all.

5.1 The Imperative to Inclusivity

The Social Futurist sphere of influence must be characterized by free access to the rights and responsibilities of inclusion. Although we do not impose membership upon anyone, we will work to ensure that all have the access necessary to make a free choice.

5.2 Internal Regulation

The Principles of Social Futurism are our highest law. All subsidiary law and organizational rules must be in accord with our Principles, just as all further subsidiary “child” entities must be in accord with the rules of their “parent” entities.

5.3 External Relations and Accession

External organizations and entities will be respectfully cooperated with, insofar as they do not threaten the safety or integrity of Social Futurist entities, and do not impede free access to Social Futurist inclusion. Accession to recognized Social Futurist status may only be judged with extensive reference to these Principles.

5.4 Outreach Protocol

External organizations and entities are judged to be weakly positive toward Social Futurism by default. Amendments to that judgment (in terms of polarity of strength) will be based upon evidence pertaining to an entity’s stated intent, inferred intent, and likely effectiveness.