ZS, the Zero State, is something I’ve been intimately involved with since late 12010. The basic idea was initially a combination of Transhumanism and Social Justice concerns. Over the intervening years ZS has faced its challenges, as have I on a personal level. There have been some particularly rewarding successes along the way, but also a dispiriting realization that people in this day and age seem to be more concerned with their personal voice than any sense of communal destiny. You can’t (and shouldn’t) paint everyone with the same brush, but it seems clear that people engage less when they perceive others to be engaged less, and a small minority will turn on a community when its most active members are at their lowest, taken out of the game by life circumstances. In other words, people are happy when the thing is going well for them, but that changes if they start to feel that they are not personally well-served.
C’est la vie, this is the nature of life, and the human condition. So ZS has reached a crossroads, and not for the first time. What now? Well, this is a deeper crossroads than perhaps any reached before. A new beginning, for True Believers. So, here’s what to look for, going forward:
ZS, as it existed, exists no more. The true intent of the thing continues, for those who would continue with it. There will be no more indulgence of “passengers”, or voyeurs. Find the thing if you can*, and demonstrate your commitment if you wish to stay. If you can or will not do these things, the internet is full of other places for you. Enjoy your journey. We will continue, we will do what we must in your absence.
*To be clear, ZS will continue, just in a new and different mode. This is a case of necessary rebirth, rather than an end, per se. For those who are engaged enough to seek the new ZS, it won’t be hard to find. The plans we had stand, but will simply be approached in new and better ways, going forward.
January 7, 2019 at 9:32 pm
learn more about Zero State and what it was here: https://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Category:Zero_State
January 8, 2019 at 9:44 pm
The king is dead. Long live the king!
January 16, 2019 at 9:02 pm
I’ve used this time of quiet to reconsider the S7 manifesto of biological consciousness as detailed well in DJK’s pubished article here:
It’s not wrong, per se, but it also misses and dismisses how the emotional, physical, and logical parts of conscious lifeforms interact to create something more than pure logic can encapsulate.
January 16, 2019 at 9:14 pm
please feel free to submit any counter argument or other posts to t.net. we appreciate any good material related to our theme. tks.
January 16, 2019 at 10:01 pm
Play Zero State AR Game
January 16, 2019 at 10:02 pm
Play Zero State AR Game
Second Invitation