Abstract: This paper examines the feasibility of an amateur approach to METI using cheaply available lasers and optics. We suggest a novel variation in the search methodology, concentrating on contacting any interstellar extraterrestrial probes that may be present in the… Continue Reading →
ZS, the Zero State, is something I’ve been intimately involved with since late 12010. The basic idea was initially a combination of Transhumanism and Social Justice concerns. Over the intervening years ZS has faced its challenges, as have I on… Continue Reading →
(London) The Black Book (so-called in reference to an earlier Zero State release) is the first media release from Array Consulting and the re-launched Zero State Media. FREE DOWNLOAD: Abridged version of Social Futurism and the Zero State (AKA ‘The Black Book’), PDF format. The Black… Continue Reading →
The following article is part of a six-part Transhumanity.net series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. In the… Continue Reading →
The following article is part of a six-part Transhumanity.net series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. Perceptual augmentation… Continue Reading →
Some years ago I gave a talk called “Consciousness and the Transhuman”, in which I discussed important connections between questions of neuroscience, advancing cognitive technologies, human augmentation and animal rights. Around the same time, philosopher David Pearce was beginning to… Continue Reading →
Here at AGI Laboratory we explore the intersection of technology and society, where AI, VR, and Big Data (among other things) come crashing into our cultures, social traditions, economies and political institutions. Looking at the world today, it is increasingly… Continue Reading →
A long-time science fiction riff which may be on the verge of becoming reality is the idea of the Copy, which is to say the digital emulation of a human mind. The viability of that idea is still debatable, largely… Continue Reading →
In a recent article I pointed out the suitability of cryptocurrency (CC) as an economic mechanism for modern networked societies, but also listed problems which must be addressed before CC can be truly viable as a currency per se. Any… Continue Reading →
(Provo, Utah) (ZS ARG) It appears that in a brief clash between employees at AI systems controlled by the Architect at the Artificial Intelligence Lab on campus that there is one confirmed dead and virtually all the employees are now… Continue Reading →
Transhumanism is a philosophy of lofty aspirations and universally applicable substance. Yet, when articulated at its usual level of abstraction, it is often misunderstood, especially if commonplace cultural connotations, myths, and fears from popular fiction inject nefarious undertones into what… Continue Reading →
We have reached a point in the early 21st Century at which media cannot be assumed to directly represent reality. This is both true in the general and older sense that we may distrust any narrative, but more importantly it is also now… Continue Reading →
Recently there was a post to Transhumanity.net by a group that refers to itself as ‘the foundation’. The post, (linked here: http://transhumanity.net/catch-foundation-agents-at-ces-2018-and-win-5000-00-usd/ ) suggests a game to be played at a conference taking place from the 9th to the 12th of January… Continue Reading →
Back in the distant, hazy days of 1998, Futurist Douglas Rushkoff published a book called “Playing the Future” (published in the UK as “Children of Chaos”). The book’s central thesis was that people born in the late 20th Century and early… Continue Reading →
Debate over the risk and promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies can be depressingly simplistic, often polarised into two camps with views that are extreme to the point of caricature. On the one hand we have those whose… Continue Reading →
(London UK) The Pratoriate Foundation seems to have quietly agreed to fund the ZeroState (ZS) ARG (Alternative Reality Game). According to Foundation sources, the ZeroState ARG aligns with the Foundation on a number of points and that the funding is part… Continue Reading →
(2 April 2017) ZeroState 2.0 finished removing all the members (More then 3000+ members) of the original Facebook group and effectively soft launched the new ZeroState 2.0 projects. For those not familiar with ZeroState history this online group had ties… Continue Reading →
TRANSHUMANIST PARTY PRESS RELEASE NO TO BLANKET BANS ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS Why the Scottish ban on GM is bad for Scotland and the UK The recent announcement by MSP Richard Lochhead to ban the growing of Genetically Modified crops… Continue Reading →
I felt moved to write this post after seeing an article about the futility of Transhumanists standing in elections. As it happens I have already written a chapter addressing questions of strategy for the developing Transhumanist Party, but thought I’d… Continue Reading →
This is an update on progress from the Transhumanist Party, but not a dry technical report. Instead, this is the first in what I intend to be a new style of message, combining news of our activity with the bigger… Continue Reading →
A brief review of existing visions for alternative political systems Introduction Last year’s establishment of the Transhumanist Party in the u.s. has sparked much activity in Europe towards the same goal, and it seems likely that the trend will… Continue Reading →
EDIT: The post below raised some questions, and apparently some minor misunderstandings which I would like to briefly address. If you haven’t read the post below already, I would recommend doing so before reading the note which follows at its… Continue Reading →
I am advocate for transhumanism, rightly defined. I am certainly not a technophobe who perceives all technology to be bad. In my opinion, human technology – like all matter – is a tool that can be used for good or… Continue Reading →
With special guests including Zoltan Istvan (Futurist and SciFi Author) this event will be an interactive immersive day of future technology, demos, XR related technology, device bar, touch wall and info on emerging trends and what that means for the future… Continue Reading →
The Transhumanist Party represents a new branch of the Transhumanist movement, and as such is now taking the first steps in a long journey. Here at the beginning, we have the opportunity to consider how our movement will be organised,… Continue Reading →
A footnote in History: The first explicitly Transhumanist candidate Political Transhumanism is beginning to coalesce, and will become a force to reckon with as accelerating technologies increasingly transform society, and people seek a new paradigm to handle the wave of… Continue Reading →
The Transhumanist Party wants YOU! The Transhumanist Party is a new political organization in the UK, part of a network of similar groups around the world, committed to positive social change through technology. Transhumanism is the idea that we must… Continue Reading →
Transhumanism is an increasingly popular philosophical movement, and that increasing popularity can sometimes lead to a degree of confusion among newer adherents about what its necessary features are. In my opinion the only common basis to Transhumanism, coined by Anders… Continue Reading →
So, what is Zero State? Well, we grew out of a dissatisfaction with modern Transhumanism which is too narrowly focused, passive and generally ignores the major cultural determinants in the world, most notably art, religion and politics as well as… Continue Reading →
I have recently posted some thoughts on which movements and political parties would make good partners for Social Futurism, and at the same time have been thinking about the relationship between SF and the Transhumanist movement. We have already made… Continue Reading →
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