the future of humanity now

Author SingularityUtopia

Singularity Utopia has blogged about the Singularity since 2010. Singularity Utopia thinks super-intelligence will be utterly lucid and easily accessible to all. There will be no threat or risk. This is the Singularity Modernism viewpoint. Visit for more info.

Psychopaths, Violence, Intelligence, Civilization

Author David Louis Edelman wondered why mass killings didn’t happen in the past. See his 2 Oct 2017 Facebook post. His “pet theory” is modern communication regarding “instant fame and notoriety” make perpetrators more likely to express their “inherent craziness.” Speculation… Continue Reading →

AI Paranoia

Paranoid fear of #artificialintelligence will historically been seen in the same light as the house arrest of Galileo. Historic Catholic Church repression (suppression of the heliocentric solar system model) is identical in essence to the fear of AI. In fact,… Continue Reading →

AI Self driving Cars No Moral Dilemma

Artificial intelligence debate is flawed at the core. Here is one quick fix regarding the deeply flawed lose-lose AI car-crash greater-good scenario. I am addressing research flaws of: Autonomous Vehicles Need Experimental Ethics: Are We Ready for Utilitarian Cars? By… Continue Reading →

Basic Income Fact and Fiction

Basic Income Has Not Been Debunked David Rotman, via Technology Review (11 March 2016), described basic income as a “danger.” David Rotman wrote: “Eduardo Porter […] does an excellent job of debunking this utopian scenario.” On this occasion I won’t… Continue Reading →

Double-Edged Absurdity

I wish Ray Kurzweil would cease his waffling about a supposed “double-edged sword.” It’s a silly notion he utters in almost every interview.   Whoops I’ve sliced my fingers off on the sword-edge of my keyboard typing this. Technology isn’t… Continue Reading →

Dog-God AI-Delusion Redacted

The first version of this article insulted proponents of AI fear. Those insults could distract people from my logic so I created this redacted version with insults removed. This redacted version also includes extra information. The logical fallacy (human treatment… Continue Reading →

Imbecilic Dog-God-AI-Delusion

Super-smart AI harming or enslaving humans is a fiction similar to gods. It is fitting to link the two idiotic delusions together, which Steve Wozniak did in March 2015. Gods have zero relevance to intelligence. Gods relate wholly to deluded… Continue Reading →

Biological Machines

National Review published an article stating artificially intelligent computers would merely be machines. The author of the article doesn’t realise how biotech-synbio shows us DNA is a machine. Humans and all other biological life-forms are machines, which is why bio-engineers… Continue Reading →

Biological Machines

National Review published an article stating artificially intelligent computers would merely be machines. The author of the article doesn’t realize how biotech/syn-bio shows us DNA is a machine. Humans and all other biological life-forms are machines, which is why bio-engineers… Continue Reading →

Vital Risky-Rebellious Artificial Intelligence

Various AI institutes-groups (FHI, FLI, MIRI, CSER, etc) want to ensure AI is safe. Safety regarding intelligence is actually very dangerous. Intelligence based upon oppressive control, regarding who has the smartest ideas, is a very perilous corruption of intelligence. Merit… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Singularity Disputes, Turing Test Turmoil – An Interesting Discussion

There is a lot of dispute regarding human level artificial intelligence. Some critics think it will never happen. They compare super-intelligent AI to religious belief. Publishing Singularity critical articles shortly before a narrow-AI passed the Turing Test was exceptionally bad… Continue Reading →

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