EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser.

Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-and-technology-forecasting-work-group-winter-2017-tickets-28855253841 

This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and replaces the regular winter event.

Ping me at: david@ArtificialGeneralIntelligenceInc.com for more information.

* if you want to setup a table or sponsor or other interaction with work group let us know

The work group is about getting the book ready and correlating content and for several discussion groups related to forecasting, presentations and related planning for the EFTF 2017 manual. The EFTF program is about helping futurists and technologists work out where we are going and how we might get there and the likely outcome for various technology sectors will see and with the manual provide a method to help others with that process. Conference/workshop attendee’s participate in our qualitative analysis process to produce the Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Manual and attendee’s get a copy of the 2017 manual. There will be a number of lighting rounds on different technologies sectors covering AI/AGI, AR/VR, Biotechnology, Space, Wearables and personal technology and much much more.

Also at this event there will be a tour of the Hall labs and some of the elements of the Evolution of Personal Technology Showcase and Device Bar maintained by the conference show casing everything from watches to cybernetic implants or just to plug in your project. The Technology Showcase will be donated to the the Eternity Library by the Foundation when it gets its location in the Utah area.

Some of most exciting equipment that is part of the bar is the actual cybernetic implants, HoloLens, tDCS, and numerous other great wearable technology displays showing our deeply personal relationship with technology.

Attendee’s will become named authors of the Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Manual 2017 edition

Imagine a book that predicts the future of technology that evolves with time, trends with unprecedented accuracy designed for technologies, futurists and other analyst.

The compilation will come out each year.

Contributors will get a copy each year they participate where other’s will have to purchase them. All Contributors are named and contribute by attending the various Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Conferences where everyone will be contributing to activities we will do during the conference as part of the agenda including the technology forecasting exercise based on the Futures Squares methodology, study group role playing simulations and workshops based on techniques done with DARPA and the US Military and government but this time open to the public w/o government or other oversight skewing results.

Other sections will be briefs submitted and Singularity Index analysis based on the t.net research program measuring stock related to core AGI related corporate investments. All of this formatted in a way to help people look at the key trends and likely outcomes. Everyone will be named directly. The TNC will use it as a key tool in Transhumanist sound policy lobbying and companies will use it to predict viable investment and research programs and more.

Come predict the future…

Attend the EFTF in Washington DC, Support the TNC and Futurist in advancing technology.


9AM – Networking

10AM – Opening Remarks (and workshop setup, introduce table captains)

10:15AM – Keynote – Showcase Speaker

10:45AM – Noon – lightning rounds

Noon – 1:30PM Lunch with Work groups/Networking/Demos (HoloLens Demo, Emerging Personal Technology Bar, table demos, etc )

1:30PM – 3:45PM TOC Workshop and drafting

4:00PM – 5:00PM – Closing Remarks, Demos, Networking

That afternoon we will have a tour of Hall Labs, and then a scenario workshop with Dinner at a to be disclosed location.

Current Presenters in morning session, including TNC Chair David J Kelley, TNC Board member Mark Waser, Future Squares Author Adair Daniels,


Please submit proposals, if you want to sponsor the conference or setup a demo table please let us know.




www.TranshumanPolitics.com – TNC



please note that due to the fee’s and planning and related costs we are not able to do refunds.