EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-and-technology-forecasting-work-group-winter-2017-tickets-28855253841 This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →
At the upcoming EFTF being used to raise funds for the TNC and creating a transhuman political lobby in DC we are adding a new feature to the EFTF even that includes creating a book. So that means EFTF Attendee’s… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Open access to Tools and Technology by Gabriel Licina presented by the Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Winter 2016. Open access to tool and advancing technology is key to moving technology forward. the Restrictions we have in the industry currently… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Speaking at the Summer 2015 Extreme Future Tech Fest sponsored by Transhumanity.net; learn the state of our current sick care system and its evolution through technology to a real ‘health care system’ by Gerry Miller from Cloudticity the head technologist and… Continue Reading →
Introducing the Exosphere Academy 2016 – Scholarship Program. Help us send students to the Exosphere or sign up your self. The program is both about gaining a specific skill but at the same time exchanging experiences, knowledge, working and collaborating… Continue Reading →
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