the future of humanity now

Tag hankpellisier

Transhuman Party promotes Radical Democracy & Collective Intelligence

7.6 billion people are living on Earth, and every one of them deserves equal political power.  Transhuman Party (a new H+ organization) believes the future should be egalitarian, cooperative, inclusive, anti-hierarchal, motivated by egoless altruistic reform-seeking actions, with radical democracy and collective intelligence. Transhuman Party… Continue Reading →

Zoltan Istvan “gave away” the Transhumanist Party, but kept the TP trademark… four possible explanations

Zoltan Istvan was a 2016 Presidential transhumanist candidate who actually ran as an individual (not as the Transhumanist Party candidate, because TP was never registered with the FEC – Federal Election Committee.) Despite the fraudulent past of the Transhumanist Party,… Continue Reading →

Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

co-written with Hank Pellissier  Eggs were first. Millions of years before mammals, eggs existed, their hard shells protecting the incubating embryo inside. Egg Mom wanders mobile, light in her anatomy—unlike her mammalian sister that waddles around, heavily crippled with the… Continue Reading →

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