I’m not going to try to convince you that the foreseeable future is a wondrous place: either you accept the implications of the present rate of technological progress towards everything allowed by the laws of physics, in which case you’ve probably… Continue Reading →
Contemporary philosophy of mind is still living under the deep shadow of the Cartesian and the non-Cartesian mind-body dichotomies. This is the textbook description of this fallacy: “According to some, minds are spiritual entities that temporarily reside in bodies, entering… Continue Reading →
Prior to the discovery of single genes that could be mutated, silenced, or otherwise altered to significantly extend longevity in lower animals, such a thing was thought very unlikely. This is to say that nobody really thought about it at all… Continue Reading →
We all have the potential to pioneer this universe of wonders and discoveries, but we are like genies trapped in bottles. Not only that, the bottle is rusting away, and we have barely gotten to exercise our powers. Yet here… Continue Reading →
With 15 million unique visitors per month, Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of the largest health and wellness website on the internet. His life’s mission is to cure rather than treat disease and Dr. Mercola has not only published extensively but… Continue Reading →
There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael… Continue Reading →
Lydia Violet Harutoonian is a badass Armenian-American violinist and folktronica artist who has played with some of today’s juiciest crossover acts, including Rising Appalachia and The Polish Ambassador, in addition to launching her own solo project this year. She also… Continue Reading →
Dr. Anders Sandberg is a well known transhumanist, futurist, computational neuroscientist and currently a research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford University. I enjoyed talking to him last time he was on Singularity 1 on 1 and was happy to have… Continue Reading →
Will you help us here? The last two went over 100% but this one is falling behind a bit. We all lead the way for others when we complete these and not completing them could possibly show that the cause… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
NANOPARTICLE ACTS LIKE TROJAN HORSE TO HALT ASTHMA New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies April 18, 2016 | by Marla Paul CHICAGO — In an entirely new approach to treating asthma and… Continue Reading →
“FIRST GENE THERAPY SUCCESSFUL AGAINST HUMAN AGING American woman gets biologically younger after gene therapies Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of Bioviva USA Inc. has become the first human being to be successfully rejuvenated by gene therapy, after her own company’s experimental… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Now you don’t normally see ‘book’ reviews on Transhumanity.net and further probably not ‘children’s’ book reviews and in fact now that I think about it this is only the second time ever. What is cool is that now there is… Continue Reading →
“The burning desire to press forward in the face of all opposition, limitless curiosity for learning, the ability to adapt, and the will to shape the world for the better— these are the essential traits of the entrepreneur. In our… Continue Reading →
The first presentation after the keynote done by Evan West – The Informed Futurist talking about ad attitude adjustment in how we think of death. Even’s talk on Death and how we can look at it differently talks about the… Continue Reading →
Right now, the federal government spends billions each year in medical research seeking to cure one disease at a time – while virtually ignoring the underlying processes that eventually lead to a whole host of fatal diseases. It is estimated… Continue Reading →
This time even better then before EFTF, get your tickets now for Saturday Febuarary 27th in Seattle. Get the Early Bird Tickets Now before the prices goes up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-technology-fest-winter-2016-tickets-20356613178 EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across… Continue Reading →
Being evaluated by the TPC currently: The 21st Century Cures Act (House Resolution 6 is a bi-partisan proposal introduced by from Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) and introduced May 19 2015 and assigned to the House Energy and Commerce Committee chaired… Continue Reading →
Who will officially be the first transhuman? Will it be you? Why wait decades? This article explains one approach to speeding up the process and also the challenge involved. Defining the Object of the Goal: Although the words ‘cyborg’ and… Continue Reading →
Transhumanity.net is retracting its endorsement of Zoltan Istvan on the grounds that he is not a serious contender for President of the United States. Zoltan’s goal has been to drive interest and awareness for his view on life extension and transhumanism…. Continue Reading →
New Crowdfunding Platform Bridges Longevity and Aging Researchers with Public Support NEW YORK, Aug. 26, 2015 — The Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF) officially launches Lifespan.io, an online platform designed to bridge the gap between longevity researchers and the public… Continue Reading →
The following is the finalized version 1 of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) guidelines, the TPC is currently looking at paper submissions as well as policy strategy and road map planning. Let us know if you want to help admin@transhumanity.net… Continue Reading →
There are many groups working toward indefinite life extension. They put in a lot of work and lead the way down the paths toward the goal. All of them have one thing in common: they are part of the overall… Continue Reading →
Rise to Meet the Enemies at the Gates: Join the Battle against Disease and Death A lot of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers have prepared and gone through the fire of war. This happened time and time again over the centuries…. Continue Reading →
A conference on “Transhuman Superpowers and Longevity” will be held at Humanist Hall in Oakland, on July 12, 2015, from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Speakers will talk about our radical future, with copious time for Q & A’s and audience… Continue Reading →
“It was sunny in Los Angeles, I was working the afternoon shift…” Joe Friday’s voice said that, in my dream. I came out of a trance. The Amtrak train was pulling into early-morning Flagstaff Arizona hours late, which was a… Continue Reading →
Fairy tale immortality, whereby you drink an elixir and there, you’re indestructible, is a fool’s errand. It comes from a simplistic and sometimes anthropomorphic view of death: picturing it as a man who takes souls, who you can somehow evade… Continue Reading →
The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE) is organizing an online demonstration to support life extension technologies and awareness. The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE) is organizing an online demonstration to support life extension technologies and awareness. The event… Continue Reading →
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