the future of humanity now

Tag transhuman

Lowering Over All Military Budgets While Improving Kill Ratio’s by Killing Horses to Harvest their Flesh Alive (satire)

Let’s face it, a countries military is there to kill people and break things.  In this world of rogue countries and terrorist states it is important for the modern nation to be able to protect its self with force and… Continue Reading →

Run, don’t Hide !

“An American political organization dedicated to promoting and embracing transhumanism” This was announced a couple of weeks ago. Since then i had several discussions about Zoltan’s new party and his intention to run for president in 2016. Frankly i was… Continue Reading →

Introduction to the companies of the SI (Singularity Index)

Today, at the time of writing this, the SI is down 124.77 from 4460.56 to 4335.79 since last week or so. OK, so to be fair, we are still validating (fine tuning) the weighting algorithms but in the same time… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism: Dangerous or Misunderstood?

Since the movement has gained global attention from people like Ray Kurtzweil and Zoltan Istvan, transhumanism has been looked at with caution and fear. Even to the extreme of being called “one of the world’s most dangerous ideas” by Francis… Continue Reading →

Coherent Extrapolated Volition: The Next Generation

I admire Eliezer Yudkowsky when he is at his most poetic: our coherent extrapolated volition is our wish if we knew more, thought faster, were more the people we wished we were, had grown up farther together; where the extrapolation… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on ‘The Transhumanist Wager’

This is less of a review than a report on my experiences before, while and after reading it. When it was published and I became aware of it I was quite determined to read it, but because of time restrictions… Continue Reading →

Got Risk? Debating Eliezer Yudkowsky About “AIs that prove changes correct”

Rice’s Theorem (in a nutshell): Unless everything is specified, anything non-trivial (not directly provable from the partial specification you have) can’t be proved AI Implications (in a nutshell): You can have either unbounded learning (Turing-completeness) or provability – but never… Continue Reading →

Be Here Now !

I want the future now, I want to hold it in my hands; All men equal and unbowed, I want the promised land. Peter Hammill 1978 At my 10 year anniversary as a ‘card carrying’ transhumanist i feel compelled to… Continue Reading →

Dr. Ken Hayworth: Will You Preserve Your Brain?

If the technology existed, would you have your brain preserved? Do you believe your brain is the essence of you? To noted American PhD Neuroscientist and Futurist, Ken Hayworth, the answer is an emphatic, “Yes.” He is currently at the… Continue Reading → the News Reader

Ok, so this is more of a work in progress but I thought we would share.  We started building 4 various types of news reader applications that consume and publish content with the goal of evolving them into full… Continue Reading →

Controversies Over Singularitarian Utopianism

I shouldn’t have been surprised at the controversy that arose. The cause was an hour-long lecture with 55 slides, ranging far and wide over a range of disruptive near-future scenarios, covering both upside and downside. The basic format of the… Continue Reading →

QT1 the Spiritual Machine (opinion)

One of the factors that make us human is our ability to question our very existence. It is this capability that allows us to use our advanced reasoning capabilities for the purpose of questioning our very existence. Even though we… Continue Reading →

The Transcendence Conjecture (opinion)

“All confess that God is omnipotent; but it seems difficult to explain in what His omnipotence precisely consists: for there may be doubt as to the precise meaning of the word ‘all’ when we say that God can do all… Continue Reading →

Zoltan Istvan for President

Yes, this is correct. Zoltan Istvan has stated that he is running for presidential election in 2016. On Facebook, he has announced that a Transhumanist Party is being established with him being the party founder and potential 2016 Presidential candidate…. Continue Reading →

The “Wicked Problem” of Existential Risk with AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them. – Laurence J. Peter Numerous stories were in the news last week about the proposed Centre for the Study… Continue Reading →

Transhumanist Fitness Program – optimizing your body & brain

Longevity and Brain Enhancement are the two primary ambitions of transhumanists, according to a survey conducted 2.5 years ago. This indicates that the “average transhumanist” is strongly motivated to keep his-or-her physical body and mental cognition in tip-top condition. These… Continue Reading →

The Long Road Towards Efficient Solar Power

One of the most popular forms of non-renewable energy has always been solar power, and why not? Its use emits few hazardous byproducts, obtains energy from something that won’t go away any time soon, and is comparatively non-invasive. So, why… Continue Reading →

Introducing the Singularity Index – A Market Index focused on the Companies helping drive us towards Singularity

Introducing the Singularity Index. The Singularity Index (also referred to as the SI) is part of a statistical approach to looking at market trends, as it relates to relative motion in the market, towards or away from ‘Singularity’. As the… Continue Reading →

FUTURISM AS POLICY: What should futurists want from political change? (opinion)

The following is an advertisement for a meeting of the Consensus, in London, on Saturday May 4th 2013. The Consensus is a political organization affiliated with Zero State, bringing futurist values and an emphasis on technology to the question of… Continue Reading →

Backward Induction: Rationality or Inappropriate Reductionism? (Parts 1 and 2)

[Part 1] (originally published December 10, 2012) You’re appearing on the “hottest new game show” Money to Burn.  You’ll be playing two rounds of a game theory classic against the host with a typical “Money to Burn” twist.  If you… Continue Reading →

“In Our Lifetimes, Human Beings Will No Longer Be Human” claims Lord Anthony Giddens

It’s not every day that the world’s most eminent sociologist reveals himself as having an intense interest in the Technological Singularity, and urges that “Everyone should read the books of Ray Kurzweil”. That’s what happened this evening. The speaker in… Continue Reading →

Value is Simple and Robust

Over at Facing the Singularity, Luke Muehlhauser (LukeProg) continues Eliezer Yudkowsky’s theme that Value is Fragile with Value is Complex and Fragile.  I completely agree with his last three paragraphs. Since we’ve never decoded an entire human value system, we… Continue Reading →

Tapping the Transcendence Drive in All of Us

What do we want? No, I mean, what do we really want? Your eyes flick back and forth between your smartphone and your iPad; your coffee cools on the dusty coaster beside the yellowing PC monitor; you momentarily look to… Continue Reading →

Baggage Culture and Why Embracing Transhumanism Doesn’t Come Easy

Twenty years ago, while in college and wondering why everyone else in the world wasn’t hell-bent on trying to live indefinitely via the promising fields of transhumanist science, I began working on the idea of what mass culture is and… Continue Reading →

Mind Management: Researchers Explore New Ways to Influence Minds

The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants to understand the science behind what makes people violent, and then find ways to hijack their minds by implanting false, but believable stories in their brains, with hopes of evoking peaceful… Continue Reading →

Soldiers without Banners – Why the Future Doesn’t Need Transhumanists

It should not be a surprise to any of our readers that the Singularity is approaching. Perhaps the term ‘Singularity’ is incorrect – we cannot be certain that, specifically, strong AI will be invented in the near future. But what… Continue Reading →

New Zealand: A Future ‘Home Base’ for Transhumanists?

Is tech progess in your Luddite homeland too slow? You’d rather dwell in a Transhuman-Land? Here’s plans for a H+-friendly Home Base in the South Pacific, from “Zero State”… I recently interviewed Amon Kalkin, founder of the Zero State (ZS)… Continue Reading →

Does Enhanced Human Equal Transhuman?

Human enhancement and Transhumanism are common topics for futurists, and the two terms are often treated as if they’re interchangeable. While there is certainly overlap between the two concepts, and by definition a Transhuman would have to be the beneficiary… Continue Reading →

Building a Star Trek Economy

Our current socioeconomic system is unlikely to bring about a hi-tech transhumanist future in the long run if we just sit back and wait for it to happen. I propose that we build the foundations of a society that can… Continue Reading →

Remembering the 1950s-60s Futurists: What Went Wrong?

Futurism in the United States properly began during the late ‘50s, and took off—as one might guess —in the ‘60s with the Gemini space program and its ten manned flights. Then came Apollo. With Apollo, futurism became respectable; unfortunately with… Continue Reading →

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