A conference on “Transhuman Superpowers and Longevity” will be held at Humanist Hall in Oakland, on July 12, 2015, from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Speakers will talk about our radical future, with copious time for Q & A’s and audience discussion. The event is co-sponsored by Brighter Brains Institute and Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology (IEET), both 501(c)3 non-profits.

Speakers will include Elizabeth Parrish (BioViva), Gabriel Licina (Science for the Masses), Brian Hanley (Butterfly Sciences), Mallory E. McLaren (“Here and Now: Mainstreaming Longevity/Resilience Biotechnology R&D in the Mid-2010s”), Zoltan Istvan (Presidential candidate, Transhumanist Party), Nicole Sallak Anderson (author, eHuman Dawn), R.U. Sirius (former editor, Mondo 2000 and h+ magazine), Jay Cornell (co-author [with R.U. Sirius] of Transcendence: The Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism and the Singularity), Hank Pellissier (Director of Brighter Brains Institute), and Micah Redding (“Recruiting the Justice League: How Superheroes Help Us Learn to Use Our Technological Powers for Good”). Tickets are just $20-$25. Dinner will be available for $5-$10.
