the future of humanity now

Category OpEd

Singularity Webcast – Dr. Michael Greger on How Not to Age

There are two people who caused me to become vegan and switch to a whole-plant-based diet. The first is Prof. Peter Singer who put the idea in my head many years ago when I started studying ethics. The second person is Dr. Michael… Continue Reading →

90 – Kate Greene on Humanizing Science & Cooking on Mars

This week we chat with science writer (and former laser physicist) Kate Greene, whose writing explores everything from Big Data to boredom to brain scans, and whose fascinating and eclectic life is brightly punctuated by the four months she spent… Continue Reading →

Technological unemployment rolls on with the arrival of autonomous long-haul trucks.

A recurring theme we witness as our technological progress continues is the inevitable loss of jobs formerly performed by human beings. It has been a frequent part of our lives since we first invented the wheel. This one will have… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series Ep7: Long-Term Trajectories of Human Civilization

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Today’s paper is titled: Long-Term Trajectories of Human Civilization Authored By Seth D. Baum, Stuart Armstrong, Timoteus Ekenstedt, Olle Häggström, Robin… Continue Reading →

Escape To Reality!

Escape To Reality: Transhumanism, Gnosticism, Pure Land Buddhism, & the Zero State. Do you know the Gnostic myth? Do you know how that story goes? The Matrix came out nearly twenty years ago, dragging Gnosticism into the bright light of… Continue Reading →

Episode 89 – Joanna Harcourt-Smith, José Soler, and Jacob Aman on Breakdowns & Breakthroughs

This week we have a roundtable discussion (which took place around an actual table in Santa Fe, New Mexico) with Joanna Harcourt-Smith, José Soler, and Jacob Aman, the hosts and producers of Future Primitive Podcast (600+ episodes and going strong!)…. Continue Reading →

Dr. Twymans New Book on Social Futurism Released

(London) The Black Book (so-called in reference to an earlier Zero State release) is the first media release from Array Consulting and the re-launched Zero State Media. FREE DOWNLOAD: Abridged version of Social Futurism and the Zero State (AKA ‘The Black Book’), PDF format. The Black… Continue Reading →

Episode 0086 – Onyx Ashanti on Surfing Exponential Change (Part 1)

This week’s guest is the one-of-a-kind, ever-evolving Onyx Ashanti, a cyborg performance artist of world renown, who is as busy as anyone I know (in the words of Terence McKenna) “immanentizing the Eschaton” with his intensely futuristic machine interfaces as… Continue Reading →

Special Episode 8 – Questions From the Masses

In this special edition: We are focused on questions from the masses to the Technocracy… including: * “What’s one sense you wish you had and why?” * “What would your elevator pitch be for your stance on {life extension/cryonics/nootropics/GE pets/GE… Continue Reading →

Special Episode 7 – AR/VR Technologies

In this special edition: We are focused on all things related to AR/VR/MR/XR and other variations on a theme. This all started with this telegraph post on magic leap goggles failing to live upto the hype… what is AR/VR/MR/XR?… Continue Reading →

Episode 0084 – Armin Ellis on Organizing Visionary Projects

Former NASA-JPL Mission Architect and founder of the Exploration Institute, Armin Ellis helps people think big and execute visionary projects for a living. He’s also now the Mission Architect for the Arch Mission Project, a group committed to getting long-lasting civilizational… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – The Foreseeable Future (Part 11)

By now the reader should have some opinion on the contents of this discourse and the arguments it puts forward; indeed, a response is encouraged, as this text has emphasised autonomy and the optimisation of all things that support it…. Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – In Retrospect (Part 10)

Having achieved the aim of this treatise, a truly civilized society, it seems only fitting that it now proceeds to disprove it. Such is long overdue in fact, as much of this text is generalized, axiomatic and empirical; civilization, labour,… Continue Reading →

Epistle to the Libertarians

Hello. If someone gave you the link to this page, then they either thought you’d find it interesting, or were possibly attempting to do you a favour. This is a page about Libertarianism, from the viewpoint of someone who takes… Continue Reading →

Episode 83 – Michael Strong on The Future of Education

One third of American adolescents are on medication – half of that number, on psychoactive prescriptions. We have an educational system that not only can’t prepare young people for the rapidly evolving future world we’re creating for them to inhabit – it… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – The Demands of Satisfaction (Part 9)

By this point, one may conclude that civilized society is inherently unsustainable, if not impossible; having gone so far as to change the nature of humanity to the limits of what it is to be human, one still observes failure… Continue Reading →

Future Fossils – Lydia Violet on Community, Ecology, & Music As Medicine (Episode 82)

Lydia Violet Harutoonian is a badass Armenian-American violinist and folktronica artist who has played with some of today’s juiciest crossover acts, including Rising Appalachia and The Polish Ambassador, in addition to launching her own solo project this year. She also… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Regarding Posthumanism (Part 8)

While this text mainly examines Transhumanism, it has made more than a passing reference to Posthumanism; to provide better context, despite the retrospection, one now intends to elaborate on the nature of Posthumanism. Posthumanist ideology does share similarities with Transhumanist… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Failures of Transhumanism (Part 7)

Despite this apparent and hypothetical success, Transhumanism is still susceptible to failure on certain grounds; for instance, one has made several assumptions, such as a majority of citizens accepting augmentations in pursuit of civilization. This assumption is fundamentally flawed in… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Transhumanist Solutions to Societal Problems (Part 6)

Previously, one established the failures of human faculties as such concerns as lack of sustenance, wellbeing, intelligence, autonomy and productivity, either causing or caused by each other, and resulting in uncivilization. Augmentation of human faculties, physical, mental and/or autonomous, aims… Continue Reading →

“Oracle of Silicon Valley” Tim O’Reilly on WTF: Do Work That Matters

Inc Magazine called Tim O’Reilly the “Oracle of Silicon Valley.” Wired called him “The Trend Spotter.” Others have noted that “the Internet was built on O’Reilly books.” All in all, Tim O’Reilly is as perfect of a guest for my Singularity.FM podcast as I… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – In Pursuite of Transhumanism (Part 5)

Thus far, one has established a basic model of society with which to identify failures in guaranteeing and maximising satisfaction and stability of society. Summarily, society, comprised of population, labour, capital and agreement, and its economy, the relations between them,… Continue Reading →

Don’t Underestimate the Space Force

US President Donald Trump’s demands for a “Space Force” as a new branch of the US Armed Forces is contrary to international treaties and may also be part of the anachronistic desire for national dominance. However, military competition could be… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Conventional Solutions to Societal Problems (Part 4)

Throughout history, such issues have been addressed by conventional solutions, that is, improvements of human nature that do not overly alter human faculties. However, historically, it is clear that humanity has always struggled to implement these solutions and reconcile its… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Inherent Inadequacies of Society (Part 3)

Using this approach, one now examines the conditions whereby humanity fails to achieve civilization; given the interdependency of economy, issues obstructing civilization are interrelated in similar ways. Labour, capital, agreement and population can succumb to such problems as corruption, debt,… Continue Reading →

A Treatise On Transhumanism – Introduction (Part 1)

Transhumanism is an ideological movement aiming to improve human intellect, physiology and society through technological and scientific means. It is due to this reliance on technology, and any relevant impedance of scientific progress, that it suffers a lack of implementation;… Continue Reading →

Radical Centrism vs. Spectacle/Dialectic

In a previous article, I recently said: “I believe that our society is governed by Spectacle; which is to say the modern equivalent of “bread and circuses”, designed as an array of deliberately false choices between options that don’t matter,… Continue Reading →

Fakebook Drones Losing their AI

In this edition, the top news starts with:  AI in drones is being used to predict violent individuals from on high…  Fakebook is closing down its spy drones… er, I mean solar powered Wi-Fi drone project, due to other… Continue Reading →

OpenAI and Spy Operations

In this edition, the top news starts with:  Adobe is working on a new AI that can detect image manipulation more effectively than humans.  OpenAI has built a game algorithm system that can interact as a team only through… Continue Reading →

I Believe…

The article below offers a worldview, starting with an abstract philosophical foundation, upon which increasingly pragmatic structures can be built. The framework presented here is deliberately compatible with the political philosophy known as Social Futurism, although it is not part… Continue Reading →

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