the future of humanity now

Category OpEd

Death – What Can We Do? [video]

The first presentation after the keynote done by Evan West – The Informed Futurist talking about ad attitude adjustment in how we think of death. Even’s talk on Death and how we can look at it differently talks about the… Continue Reading →

AI Self driving Cars No Moral Dilemma

Artificial intelligence debate is flawed at the core. Here is one quick fix regarding the deeply flawed lose-lose AI car-crash greater-good scenario. I am addressing research flaws of: Autonomous Vehicles Need Experimental Ethics: Are We Ready for Utilitarian Cars? By… Continue Reading →

Basic Income Fact and Fiction

Basic Income Has Not Been Debunked David Rotman, via Technology Review (11 March 2016), described basic income as a “danger.” David Rotman wrote: “Eduardo Porter […] does an excellent job of debunking this utopian scenario.” On this occasion I won’t… Continue Reading →

For Public Comment: The 21st Century Cures Act

Being evaluated by the TPC currently: The 21st Century Cures Act (House Resolution 6 is a bi-partisan proposal introduced by from Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) and introduced May 19 2015 and assigned to the House Energy and Commerce Committee chaired… Continue Reading →

The State of Transhumanism 02016

By the Interim Chairperson of the Transhuman National Committee of the United States Let us face it, Transhumanism is an Ideology, an ideology about ‘transcending’ our biology, of being more than we are, of being ethically and morally bound to… Continue Reading →

15 Question Zoltan Istvan is Avoiding – why? what are the answers? (opinion)

In early October 2015, a supporter of Zoltan Istvan suggested to the Transhumanist Party Presidential candidate that he should do an “AMA” – Ask Me Anything – to answer questions from the public, and from a group of his criticizers…. Continue Reading →

Transhumanism as a Social Movement and Strategy in Politics, Academia and Government in the United States

It is important when effecting change that we look at the various elements that we need to assess.  Ideally it is my opinion that this be done logically and without emotional baggage but with academic rigor.  This essay is my… Continue Reading →


EDIT: Please note that the first paragraph below has been expanded slightly, to make it perfectly clear who the author is, and in what official capacity this letter has been written. My name is Amon Twyman. This is an open… Continue Reading →

I Quit the USA Transhumanist Party. Why? Zoltan’s Non-Inclusive Leadership

On September 19th I left, disgruntled, my position as Secretary of the USATranshumanist Party. The next day, I joined the Open Source Party. The two decisions are closely related: they’re about transparency and democracy in government. USA Transhumanist Party doesn’t… Continue Reading →

Critical Topics and Focus Survey (TPC)

The mission of the Transhumanist Policy Center (TPC) is to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation. TPC aims to safeguard the efficacy of scientific fact, empirical research, and critical thinking… Continue Reading →

Descartes vs. The Future (opinion)

The human race is rocketing toward an unknown future, every second of every day. As time passes, we as a species push ourselves to not only keep up with all of the changes that passing time brings, but we also… Continue Reading →

Pushing the Boundaries: Transhumanism and the next 25 Years

Transhumanism is a relatively new philosophy that believes in the possibility of humans and technology merging to the point of being indistinguishable from one another. Through technology, humans will be able to transcend the current limitations we all have in… Continue Reading →

How Should the Concept of God Evolve in the Future?

According to the Wikipedia entry on “major religious groups”, 85% of the world’s population subscribes to some kind of religion. While in reality the world is obviously not divided neatly into “religious” and “non-religious”, and while religion and theism are… Continue Reading → Endorses Zoltan’s campaign for US President

Ok, yes some of the ideas in some of Zoltan’s articles and his book may be some what ‘controversial’; but lets be real… There is no reality in this world, at this time that Zoltan will win the presidency of… Continue Reading →

The Vision Thing

  A brief review of existing visions for alternative political systems Introduction Last year’s establishment of the Transhumanist Party in the u.s. has sparked much activity in Europe towards the same goal, and it seems likely that the trend will… Continue Reading →

A Vote for the Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate Is a Vote for Tyranny (opinion)

I am advocate for transhumanism, rightly defined. I am certainly not a technophobe who perceives all technology to be bad. In my opinion, human technology – like all matter – is a tool that can be used for good or… Continue Reading →

The Transhuman Illuminati

Now days it is sort of a joke about this conspiracy or that government plot when the term illuminati comes up. I was doing some reading and it seems that while the thinking around the term tends to be fringe… Continue Reading →

Vital Risky-Rebellious Artificial Intelligence

Various AI institutes-groups (FHI, FLI, MIRI, CSER, etc) want to ensure AI is safe. Safety regarding intelligence is actually very dangerous. Intelligence based upon oppressive control, regarding who has the smartest ideas, is a very perilous corruption of intelligence. Merit… Continue Reading →

Another Review: The Transhumanist Wager

The few books I read tend to circle around values. Two such books, among the very best I’ve ever read, are Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, and We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Just yesterday, I finished reading… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Dialog and our Transhumanist Duties (opinion)

I try hard to stay out of politics and religion … AND more importantly geo politics mixed with radicalism and illogic. One principal that I believe in, as a Transhumanist, is the right to express ones self w/o risk to life,… Continue Reading →

Genesis Code and Genetic Engineering

I was asked to evaluate the book “Genesis Code”, which according to Amazon the book can be summarized as thus: “Blue Magic, the latest designer drug linked to a rash of overdoses, might explain the needle mark on the arm… Continue Reading →

Humanity+ UK & the (European) Transhumanist Party (opinion)

I have recently posted some thoughts on which movements and political parties would make good partners for Social Futurism, and at the same time have been thinking about the relationship between SF and the Transhumanist movement. We have already made… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014 ‘money: its failure and its future’ (part two) (opinion)

INTRODUCTION In the last lecture, I talked about how the West may well be in the age of decadence, and devoted much of the talk in explaining how financial and monetary systems have been manipulated over the centuries to bring… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014: Money: Its failure and its future (part one) (opinion)

MONEY: ITS FAILURE AND ITS FUTURE. PART ONE: ITS FAILURE. INTRODUCTION. Welcome to this year’s lecture, ‘Money: Its failure and its future’. Actually, it is two lectures this year. Part one will deal with money’s failure and part two will… Continue Reading →

Helix: Death or Immortality via Biohacking?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] In a plot that questions the depth of humanity and its limitations, the SyFy-aired TV series Helix left nowhere to breathe as it consistently challenged the next evolutionary steps us human beings will take via advanced technology:… Continue Reading →

The New Grind (opinion)

There is a significant difference between wanting the future and working towards it. We are at a point where we are an increasingly design driven society. We’re in a feedback loop of building a narrative about what we want and… Continue Reading →

H+ Couture: AR Cosmetics and Oxygen Masks

I have always said that transhumanist fashion is focused around form and function. At times, this can be situational but is always dependent on the latest trends and the latest technological developments. Of course, necessity can be incorporated into style… Continue Reading →

H+ couture: Clever Wearables and Solar Dresses

With transhumanism becoming more popular, the movement will spread to more mediums than computing and medicine. Fashion is one of these mediums. In my last article dealing with transhumanist fashion, I laid out a simple rubric as to what how… Continue Reading →

Elon Musk and AI: What Does He Mean? (opinion)

I do not plan on touching this subject with the journalist’s style because the story has been out for some time. Instead, let me clarify his points. Let’s face it, his analogy has some shock factor and it did strike… Continue Reading →

Cishumanism: Transhumanism Made Practical (opinion)

From the last time I wrote about this topic, there were people who did not understand my points. This is understandable, as the concept required some revisions and proper thinking. Since then, I have fleshed out the concept of cishumanism… Continue Reading →

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