This time even better then before EFTF, get your tickets now for Saturday Febuarary 27th in Seattle.

Get the Early Bird Tickets Now before the prices goes up here:

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going with technology and where it affects us and business. In this ‘issue’ of EFTF we have topics from bio engineering, cybernetics (including a live demo of an implant procedure), artificial intelligence, cloud computing, maker trends, XR technologies (AR/VR and Wearables), IoT and many more.

Conference features include main talks covering key areas, a digital conference floor, device bar, and the futures forum with industry experts, lighting rounds covering niche topics, networking opportunities, a super-secret technology cabal after party and more.

Current Opportunities include:

Volunteer now for staff, we need help running and managing the conference the day of.

Signup for lightening rounds (10 minute presentation) on a related topic

Signup to-do a digital booth (generally a small 25 to 27 inch display) with flyers or other related demo material

Sponsor the event which includes call outs in conference material, signage, links on any conference related sites, a digital booth, 2 tickets for the conference.

check out the latest on the conference here:

Speakers so far include: 

Futurst DavidJKelley, CEO of BioViva Elizibeth Parish, Dr. Natasha Vita-more

Ricardo Parker, on Hyper Reality (AR, VR, AI, Telecom etc.)

Gabriel Licina, on Cybernetic Implants and Bio Hacking (l)

Paolo Tosolini, on Matterport Technology (l)

Kyrtin Atreides, on Digital Mind Interfaces (l)

Danne Stayskal, on Existential Risk

Dorothy Deasy, on Personal vs Collective Intelligence (l)

Devin Daniels, on Space-based Solar Power and wirelss power transmission (l) and contributing author of the upcoming book “The Future of Business”

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