Where do I even start explaining this week’s episode? Probably with a vignette: someone came up to me after I was on this all-star panel discussion featuring five living legends — psychedelic researchers Ralph Metzner and Dennis McKenna, author Allan… Continue Reading →
Renée Cummings is a criminologist, criminal psychologist, and an AI ethicist who, among other things, specializes in best-practice criminal justice interventions and implicit bias. Given the global Black Lives Matter movement and the fact that there have been numerous examples… Continue Reading →
The first thing that was notable in this episode is the reinforcement of the fact that despite the whole range of mods, upgrades, and entire custom builds not one of the team have any parts that are fundamentally different from… Continue Reading →
(Cyberspace) Abstract: This presentation is about living the Psychology of Abundance now – and the fact that it is a choice we can collectively make, from the example of how IAmTranshuman became a thing to the kinds of things you… Continue Reading →
(Provo) The AGI lab is conducting a study in e-governance technology titled, “Building Better Policy in e-Governance” which is an AI-Driven research program that is part of the Uplift mASI research program that has the goal of a better understanding… Continue Reading →
This series is deeply engaged with economics. While it is generally less direct most events in the early episodes deal with economic disparities to one extent or another. Nowhere is this more direct and consistent than in the opening theme. … Continue Reading →
“We are living through a health crisis, an economic crisis, a racial crisis, and a democratic crisis. Each would be historic on their own. All of them are connected. That they have struck together in this way just might be… Continue Reading →
This issue starts with “Editor’s Letter to Justice” by Dinorah Delfin “Racism is a mental disorder” says Hip-Hop Artist and fellow Transhumanist and Radical Longevity Activist, Maitreya One. I agree. The belief that certain ethnic groups are inherently superior or… Continue Reading →
Beyond Disease; Beyond Scarcity; Beyond Cruelty: We need new technology, science, and culture to get beyond disease and destruction. About this Event The H+ Summit will host speakers on Zoom and steam live for all attendees on YouTube. We will… Continue Reading →
Ada Palmer is a Professor in History researching the history of science, religion, progress, culture, and many other fascinating topics. She is also a science fiction author of the award-winning Terra Ignota series beginning with Too Like the Lightning, which explores a twenty-fifth civilization… Continue Reading →
Prof. Aaron Benanav has devoted his life to studying unemployment. Given that automation, technological unemployment, and universal basic income have become hot political and economic issues across the world, it was about time to have a podcast episode exclusively on those topics…. Continue Reading →
144 – On Dinosaurs & Holy Wars: Creationist Amusement Parks & America’s Strange Relationship with Science, with Monica Long Ross & Clayton Brown This week I talk with film-makers Monica Long Ross and Clayton Brown about their bizarre and wonderful… Continue Reading →
From the Immortalist Club another great issues of Immortalist Magazine is out: “It is predicted that a pandemic of psychological and societal injuries is to come as we face financial and emotional crises across the globe. For the first… Continue Reading →
Karl Schroeder is not only a great science fiction writer but also a professional futurist who has mastered both the art and science. I invited Schroeder back on my podcast for a brief discussion of foresight in the context of the… Continue Reading →
It started in the 70s with embedded internet then morphed into the Internet of Things (Iot) in 1999, but the Internet of Things didn’t really gain traction until 2010 when Google started StreetView and the Chinese government announced that IoT… Continue Reading →
When looking at various industries today there is a stark contrast between those with standardized metrics for quantifying quality, risk, and efficiency compared to industries where a lack of standards has generated pseudo-scientific metrics dominated by marketing departments rather than… Continue Reading →
Ada Palmer is a Professor in History researching the history of science, religion, progress, culture and many other fascinating topics. She is also a science fiction author of the award-winning Terra Ignota series beginning with Too Like the Lightning, which explores a twenty-fifth civilization… Continue Reading →
(Seattle) The IAmTranshuman blog is generated by the staff of Transhumanity.net but focused on general transhumanism. Topics are focused on ‘news’, ‘projects’, ‘Resources’ and general transhumanism, setting aside controversial topics best left to other sites and blogs. For example, the… Continue Reading →
(New Your, NY) A recent new transhumanist project started by Dinorah Delfin is the new online magazine called Immortalists Magazine by The Immortalist Club is already on its third publication. This particular project is a much needed monthly subscription magazine… Continue Reading →
This is just a taste of what is out there. A quick snippet of a few of the myriad trends that are coalescing toward a regenerative medicine movement that will transform the world. Hopefully they provide some useful insight into… Continue Reading →
As many of you know about the Transhuman House we had open for 3 years in Provo Utah. For the first year, I curated the location and for most of 1.5 years, Matthew Lehmitz curated the location and another supporter… Continue Reading →
People often ask me about my most favorite interview I have ever done. And my usual reply is that interviews are like children, even if we have our favorites it is not wise to express that outwardly because all kinds… Continue Reading →
I have previously interviewed a few fantastic scientists and philosophers but rare are those strange birds who manage to combine together both deep academic training and the living ethos of those separate disciplines. Prof. Massimo Pigliucci is one of those very rare… Continue Reading →
(London) Transpire.me is a Transhuman blog and project site focused on helping get projects started and moving. The project is run by Kate Levchuk and started in 2019. The thinking is that with help these projects that others submit can… Continue Reading →
The recent introduction of new technologies to various sporting fields has had a profound effect on these games. Records are being broken across the board as with the support of these tools the physical capacity of an athlete is given… Continue Reading →
This week I talk to documentary film-maker Sanjay Rawal about his profound and inspiring movie, 3100: Run and Become — which explores the spiritual practice of long-distance running around the world, from the American Southwest, to the Kalahari Desert, to… Continue Reading →
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2045 Episode 1, No Noise, No Life. review Ghost in the shell has long been one of the most visible Transhuman series. With several series, films, and manga it has become… Continue Reading →
As many of you know about the Transhuman House we had open for 3 years in Provo Utah. Back in November, it was closed due to not hitting financial targets. That being said the story is not over. While most… Continue Reading →
I first met Andreas Antonopoulos at the 2014 Bitcoin Expo conference in Toronto, Canada. At that time Andreas was already established as the most publicly recognized expert in the field of crypto-currency, not in the least due to his impressive capacity to… Continue Reading →
Douglas Rushkoff has been named one of the world’s ten most influential intellectuals by MIT. He is an award-winning author, broadcaster, media theorist and documentarian who studies human autonomy in the digital age. Rushkoff is the host of the popular Team Human podcast… Continue Reading →
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