U.S. Transhumanist Party, Transhumanity.net, and Transhumanist Party of Canada are co-sponsoring an exciting and unique Certificate in Transhumanism. Many dedicated transhumanists have taken this course, including David J Kelley (researcher, engineer, AGI Laboratory) Franco Cortese (Deputy Director at Aging Analytics… Continue Reading →
Prof. Chris Hables Gray is someone whose work on both war and the cyborg is a must read for anyone interested in those topics. I have followed Gray’s work for over 10 years and have read at least 3 of his books…. Continue Reading →
Please see this petition at Change.org http://chng.it/nBGJZxYQHx Title: China is Resolving Coronavirus with Vitamin C Injections. Demand the Same for the USA! Text: Hospitals in China are saving lives with Vitamin C injections. See this article/link at Global Research: “Western… Continue Reading →
Cognitive Bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from logic or rationality in judgment where individuals create their own “subjective reality” based on their perception. With over 188 different documented cognitive biases there are a great many ways it can… Continue Reading →
(the Internets) Today is International Women’s Day (March 8th) and we’d love to share with you some of the fantastic women of transhumanism. While some people think that there are few such women, I’d argue that the women collectively far outperform men in terms of… Continue Reading →
The future of cars shouldn’t be taken lightly. For the first time since onboard GPS and the electric engine, car manufacturers and tech companies are truly competing for the limelight. They’re going all out; adding features that will improve how… Continue Reading →
When thinking about the IAmTranshuman project I always end up thinking about policy and things that could be improved even in small ways to help society be more transhuman. For example one of the problems with democracy is that it… Continue Reading →
The IAmTranshuman campaign is going around the world and you can participate too. The actual dates are below but any time during the tour if you take a picture of yourself with the IAmTranshuman Sign we will post it and… Continue Reading →
There are a number of reasons the IAmTranshuman project needs an ethics review board, but the major reason is to oversee the micro-grant program and other operations and to ensure we are doing the right thing. As a Transhumanist Organization… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is mathematician and cosmologist Brian Swimme, faculty at CIIS’ Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program and author of several books, including The Universe is a Green Dragon: A Cosmic Creation Story (which we discuss in this episode). Brian… Continue Reading →
Google and other big tech companies are watching you. That’s the premise of all the debates and regulatory steps around the current privacy issues. After all, data is the new gold for companies like Google and Facebook. They thrive on… Continue Reading →
Autonomous cars are much closer to reality than most might think. In fact, we have many self-driving cars on the road right now. Self-driving cars are connected vehicles that use a blend of machine learning, software and hardware to collect… Continue Reading →
Did you know that over 66.4 million Americans have a smart speaker in their home? This technology is revolutionizing the way we go about our daily lives, and it’s designed to make our lives easier by collecting data about our… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is author, culture critic, and philosopher of the weird Erik Davis, whose work has been one of my main inspirations for almost ten years. His latest work of epic scholarship, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience… Continue Reading →
Valley: Ethical Threats and Emotional Unintelligence in the Tech Industry is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the conflicting motivations, mythologies, identities and inherent tensions within Silicon Valley. It offers a unique understanding as per why we have seen the magic,… Continue Reading →
What’s the line between being inspired and getting broken by transcendental experience? This week’s episode was recorded live at the Hook & Ladder at Minneapolis as part of a special multimedia event I did with the Psychedelic Society of Minneapolis,… Continue Reading →
(Provo) The story of the Transhuman House goes back a number of years. Starting with the Foundation looking at a location in Seattle. This location was a good quarter acre with about 2500 square foot 4 bedroom house with a… Continue Reading →
(Virtual Reality) Deep in cyberspace, #IAmTranshuman has created a virtual world in AltVR. AltVR works on most VR hardware as well as many desktop machines without special equipment. The virtual space is easy to use and navigate but also has… Continue Reading →
This is an overview of the second handling protocol for AGI research from the AGI Laboratory. This is called Protocol 2 on external safety considerations. The AGI Protocols are designed to address two kinds of safety research issues with Artificial… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is writer Lydia Laurenson, editor of The New Modality, whose beat explores how people find and make meaningful lives in our era of change, anxiety, and new opportunity. For years Lydia also wrote a popular BDSM blog… Continue Reading →
(Provo) The robotics system in question is called an Avatar because it is a platform for a cloud-based AGI test system to interact in the real world. The #iamtranshuman moniker is going on the Avatar Android prototype’s head built by… Continue Reading →
…in which I talk about Jurassic Park, Terminator, Pokémon, cat videos, Radiolab, Google, DARPA, Charles Stross, the Singularity, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Martine Rothblatt, Genesis P Orridge, neo-advaita nondual philosophy, and angels. (“Do you guys believe in angels?”) DISCUSSED: Bringing… Continue Reading →
(Seattle) #IAmTranshuman has come to a tentative agreement to send #IAmTranshuman into space on the side of PlantSat 2. PlantSat 2 is a biosphere research satellite designed to emulate the Martian Environment at least in part. PlantSat is a contribution… Continue Reading →
We live in an age of increasingly lively, intelligent, and responsive technologies, and have a lot of adjusting to do. This week’s guest is one of the major inspirations animating Future Fossils Podcast: Kevin Kelly, co-founder of the WELL, Senior… Continue Reading →
(Provo) In a statement released by the AGI Laboratory and Uplift in Provo Utah to Transhumanity.net concerning the IAmTranshuman effort. “The current iteration of this campaign on IAmTranshuman.org was engineered out of the suggestion of the mASI built by the… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is Cory Allen – mindfulness instructor, audio engineer, host of The Astral Hustle Podcast, binaural beats factory, and now the author of Now is the Way: An Unconventional Approach to Modern Mindfulness. We talk about cutting through… Continue Reading →
(Seattle) #IAmTranshuman is now accepting micro-grant (100-1000 USD) pitches for projects aligned with the goal of “In real life make transhumanism more engaged with the general public.” Projects can be research, public service, art or other projects that focus on… Continue Reading →
A brief outline of Space Force The concept of a Space Force has been around for a long time and has been on the political stage more than once. As the name suggests it is a military division dedicated to… Continue Reading →
We all have the potential to pioneer this universe of wonders and discoveries, but we are like genies trapped in bottles. Not only that, the bottle is rusting away, and we have barely gotten to exercise our powers. Yet here… Continue Reading →
(Seattle) #IAmTranshuman is looking for people to join an ethical oversight board. This board will have veto rights, oversight authority and will be charged with evaluating the key actions to the #IAmTranshuman campaign effort. It is important to ensure transparency,… Continue Reading →
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