Are you concerned with the environment? Are you looking for ways to lower your carbon footprint? Smart homes are here to help you in your quest. It’s not only convenient to use but healthy too.

What Is a Smart Home?

A smart home consists of a network of smart devices owned by the user. It is generally devices that use wireless connections to connect to the internet and other smart devices. These products will interact with each other through the internet. This is called the Internet of Things (IoT).

Why Smart Homes?

Smart homes have been designed to make the lives of its owners easier. It does that by saving money, time, and effort. Ordinary household appliances and devices are fitted with state of the art technology. It helps to create new ways of automation in your home. Apply these products wisely and you’ll make time and money savings in no time.

How Does It Help the Planet?

So how does smart home technology have a positive impact on the planet? Here are a few examples of how smart home devices help you to do just that.

Smart Refrigerators

Smart fridges are already on the market. This basic kitchen appliance has been upgraded to resemble the features of a smartphone. You can even order groceries from your smart refrigerator. Enter your stock into your smart fridge. It will remind you of the expiry dates of your products. You can then use it before it becomes waste.

These units have water filters installed to them. Let’s assume your water quality at home is average. Connect your smart fridge to the water. Let the filters clean your drinking water. Don’t buy expensive bottled water. It creates waste that has to go to a landfill. Or worse it may end up in the ocean. Reusable water bottles will save you money and a load of plastic from going into the environment.

Smart Lights

Smart lights can connect to a whole host of different smart devices. Motion sensors, smart security products, smartphones, and the list goes on. Its main benefit is derived from its remote user-friendliness. You can monitor and control your lights from anywhere in the world. It will sense motion to switch on only when necessary. Or you can program it to operate when ambient light is insufficient. These lights will save you on your electricity bill and it will lower the need for electricity by lowering consumption.

Smart Irrigation

Smart irrigation systems take a little while to install and set up. But, it can save you lots of time and effort once it’s ready. Install a grey water tank next to your house that collects rainwater and other types of (safe to use) used water. Your smart irrigation system will first use grey water from your tank to wet your garden. These systems are also smart enough to recognize when a garden has received rain. It will refrain from wasting any unnecessary water after spells of rain showers.

Electric Smart Lawn Mowers

Electric smart lawn mowers are a good option with which to substitute mowers that run on fossil fuels. Install these units close to the designated cutting areas. Program the cutting area onto its GPS map system. Program the cutting schedules and see how your lawn cuts itself. The mower will even return to its charging station before it runs out of battery.

Smart Thermostats

Smart Thermostats are some of the most used smart products on the market. It’s saving America a fortune in utility bills. And it’s helping the environment in the process. According to SafeAtLast, these products have been known to save their users about 20% per year in home warming and cooling costs. That obviously translates to a massive saving in gas consumption. Which means less harmful gasses are pumped into the atmosphere.

Smart Ovens

Smart ovens have been fitted with the latest and greatest cooking technologies. This ensures a perfectly cooked meal every time. These ovens will sense when your meal is cooked at the right temperature. It will then lower the temperature of the oven to a warming level. This will stop the food from burning and becoming waste. It will even notify you on your smartphone that dinner is ready.

Smart Home Are Going Green!

You can expect the smart home industry to accelerate its pursuit of living green. This technology is developed to make your life easier. But it will not do it at the expense of the environment.

Guest post by Tarun Reddy (infographic from )